Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Why have 'a little...'

... when you can have a lot. Well, because a little, or a reasonable portion, is the right choice. 

How much is 'Enough'?

For a long time I have struggled with portion control. A lot of the weight I carry is because I didn't control what... or HOW MUCH I ate. 

Now that I'm in the no-carb zone, I am not hungry, so I don't tend to 'over-eat' when I do eat. My mind set is different. 

I'm in the moment when I eat, and making the right choices, not only what I should be putting in my mouth, but HOW MUCH. 

This is a huge change for me.


  1. Oh, how well I know the pitfalls of portion control (or lack thereof). You are doing SOOOOO WELL and are to be commended, Don! You are an inspiration to us all!
    Have a wonderful and safe trip to France, and continued to eat moderately and smartly.

  2. You must be so BUSY today getting ready both physically and mentally for your wonderful to be so validated for your work ethic and to be supported and PRAISED by your "followers",All of which you DESERVE and then some!!! I wish you Good health,Strength for your commitment to yourself and us and Safe Travels...ENJOY and Bon Voyage with Love,Galpal

  3. Thanks GalPal and Geri both. I am looking forward to the trip. Today was a very busy day, but I'm in my recliner now.. relaxing. I'll pack in the morning and the car is coming for me around 4 pm.

    I'll blog from there to keep everyone up-to-date, and to keep myself on track.
