Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Finding new ways to challenge old behaviors...

It starts slow, you've heard it before... stairs instead of elevators, that kind of thing. I realize that exercise is going to be an important element of this process, and definately a key to staying at our goal.

I plan to start a regimented exercise plan once some of the initial weight comes off, but, in the mean while, I am starting to challenge my old behaviors.

Instead of sitting in a chair and asking ... 'would you mind bringing me this or that', I'll get off my ...... and get it myself. Instead of parking close, parking farther away and walking (you saw this in a previous post).

Today, my challenge is to walk to the cafeteria for lunch. It's in another building and includes, dare I say it.. walking up hill for about 50 yards. My heart is going pitter-pat just thinking of it now. I may need a change of clothes when I get back to my cubicle, but.. there will be a payoff.

So, my point... let's try to challenge those old destructive behaviors and develop new healthy ones.


  1. Bravo, baby! Burn Burn Burn the fat off!!

    I am so excited for you...for us, things are going so well, this journey is nothing short of fantastic!!

  2. I am so proud of you, I know you succeeded in walking to the cafateria today and I know it was hard for you, but you did it and felt better for having done it!!

    Everything worthwhile WILL be achieved, if you believe and you proved today that you believe in YOU!
