Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


The long and winding road...

... that leads... US BACK...

Today was such a nice, sunny day that Ed and I decided to go for a motorcycle ride. We rode from home to the Harley dealer (Ed got a Harley recently,.. um.. does that make me his biker bitch?..?..?..) then we rode through Langhorne to New Town, Yardley area to Starbucks. We stopped and I had an iced coffee.. it was wonderful.

On the way back home, riding through Yardley, I was thinking about, what...? ...?, Sunny Girl and my journey.. of course. I try to 'stay in the moment' as we are doing this, but I do have my sights set on some long-term goals. I hadn't really thought about it too much, but on this drive I started thinking... ' you know, I have to loose HALF of myself... to get to where I want to be... ', and BOY IS THAT DAUNTING.. when looking from that perspective.

Then I looked down the road I was on, which was very much like this one pictured here, except not fall foliage, and thought.. you know.. I better just keep my eye on what's around the next bend.. because it is going to be a long, and winding road to get to where I want to be in the end. I know that I can do this, staying focused and navigating one curve at a time... and ultimately arrive at my goal!

It is important that you know, constant reader / comment poster, how much Sunny Girl and I rely on your visits and thoughts, and how much they mean to both of us.. You're the gas in our little engines! Thanks everyone!


  1. You know cuz, this is a wonderful post. I've thougth about the long and winding road this journey is... and I am positive we're going to hug the curves and get there in no time at all! When we've reached our goals, we will look back and say, "wow, that didn't take long at all!"

    Just remember, even if our readers/followers don't comment...they're still with us 100% and we have each other to lean on. YOU are the gas in my engine!

  2. Sunny, you are the GAS that makes me go too!

  3. Don and Sunny, I just had to get a quick note off to both of you,I have had an exceptionally busy week with helping Geri after her shoulder surgery (she is doing very well,recovering nicely)and preparing for tomorrows Open House,we have had alot of interest and a couple of "low ball offers",but we are very hopeful and positive that the right buyer is not far "down the road".We have thought about and commented sooooo many times on how impressed and happy we are for you both.So keep on keeping on we are right beside you for the ride !!!! Love and (((hugs))) Carol & Geri

  4. So sorry to hear about Geri's surgery, but so glad she is doing well! We know we're in your thoughts as you both are in ours.

  5. GalPal, thanks for the comment and update on Geri. I'm glad to hear that Geri is recovering well! Good luck today at the open house. Your constant readership has really fortified us on this journey. First and foremost, Sunny and I are committed to each other, but, in a sense, we are committed and responsible to all of our village as well. Knowing this helps us to stay focused. You have known me for years, and seen me try this many times.. finally, with this blog, I've finally found a method that works, involving the ones I love in the process, not trying to diet 'in-the-closet'. So, again, and as always.. thank you for your participation in the process.

  6. hey don & sunny :) although the road may seem long at times, making short-term goals is a great idea.

    i mentioned this to sunny when i spoke to her yesterday and she thought i should state it here. sometimes, when i go and check if there's a new blog, it doesn't show any new blog but when i check a few days later, there are several posted, even before the time i last checked.

    its amazing how you both are keeping each other focused and take one day at a time.

    love, moe xoxox

  7. I don't know about the two of you... but I don't wanna be anyone's GAS!!! LOL
