Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Oh.. there's no place like home....

Dorothy had that one right. I enjoyed my trip to France, and felt great to be successful our 'journey' while I was there, but I have to tell you.. ... There really is 'no place like home'. 

While I was away, I faced many temptations and overcame each one. I got more exercise (the French walk EVERYWHERE on the site there) than I have had in the last 5 years. 

Because of the 'plan' I found it difficult at times to get what I needed. Water was difficult to have access to in the building where we were meeting and I couldn't just run out to a 'supermarket' to get some, so I only had about half of what I needed every day. HOWEVER.. I am VERY PROUD of myself.

Sunny Girl, I'm VERY PROUD of you as well. You stuck to plan and posted very well while I was away too!

My plan today is to shop for food for next week. I want to roast a chicken and roast beef so we can eat it during the week. I want to try to cook more than to rely on shakes or prepared meats during the week, when I don't feel like cooking.

I am also going to seek Ed's advise on some simple exercising that I can start doing each day to start getting into the grove and into gear. I've asked him to be my 'personal' trainer (ok.. you all, no jokes!)! :)

To all our supporters, thank you for continuing to view and comment on our blogs. Our journey could not be successful without you. We rely on you all so much! 


  1. WELCOME HOME!!! So glad to know you are safely were missed by ALL.What a TERRIFIC job you did while away...certainly not easy to accomplish when you are not in a familier environment.Another GIANT step towards success!
    My very best wishes to you and Sunny and all the "Village People" for a Happy Easter.
    Stay well and safe, Galpal

  2. So Glad to see you back....I will call soon, I cannot wait to get together and chat too...You were missed!! XO

  3. It's good to be back too. I tried to call you twice in the car on the way home from the airport, but no answer (on your cell). I look forward to speaking to you soon too.
