Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Happy Easter!

I am really looking forward to sharing this holiday with my "other" family, the Maglio's! My friend, Chris knew that I was not able to cook Easter dinner for my family this year because of my ankle issues and since there was no invitation forthcoming from my family, she was gracious enough to invite us all to her home for the holiday.

I don't know what will be on the menu for today, there was no need to even ask since anything made by any of the Maglio family is always superb, but I do know that I'm confident that I will be able to stay on plan and have an incredible meal at that! So I will post my meal plan later this evening.

I am so fortunate to have such wonderful people in my life. Don and Hubby, Gina, Moe, GalPal and Geri not the least among them. My girlfriend, Alberina and Mary, the Maglio sisters have all shown so much care and love as well, they may not comment often, or at all, but I am in constant touch with them and they are genuinely interested in my progress...I have such an amazing support system!

Happy Easter to all of you, you're in my thoughts and I wish you a wonderful day on this, the holiest day of our year!


  1. Hoppy Easter to you all too. We love you!

  2. I hope you have a wonderful time with Maglio family. Remember... eggs are everywhere at Easter!!


  3. And know that we all are egging you on! You can do it... you are worth it... we are proud of the both of you...!

  4. lol... clever comments! It was a lovely dinner!
