Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Say It Ain't So!!!

Yesterday was an incredibly stressful day and it was the very first time I did not blog. I made a promise never to let that happen again, no matter how stressed I was. I went to Philly yesterday with Gina, to help my mom out. I stayed on course and did better than well.

The day before yesterday though, I went for a doctor visit and they insisted on weighing me....grrrrrrr! I didn't want to do it until the 15th, but it had been a while since I'd been to this doctor and the nurse insisted they needed to update it (apparently my telling her my weight wasn't good enough) so off came my shoes, sweater and handbag, I stepped up and I wasn't going to look, so I looked away from the scale and yes, she announced it!! 390, she said! I told her; do it again, I stepped off and stepped back on.....390. I not only didn't lose, I GAINED a half a pound?? And I'd fasted because I needed to have blood work done, so it wasn't because I'd eaten!!

Normally I wouldn't be too upset by this, because it's not very often that two scales weigh you the same, so what did I do? I went home, shed my shoes, sweater and handbag and hopped on mine.....390. I realize there will be plateau's but so soon? I'm trying to make peace with it though . I'm waiting until the 15th or 30th to weigh and I will not be discouraged or even disappointed, I am working too hard to let a scale rule my emotions at this point, it was very confusing to me though.

If I feel like I am losing and I feel sooooo good, the scale shouldn't make a bit of difference! It's what I tell Don all the time, but sheesh, when it happens to you, you can't help but feel very disappointed. All I can do is continue to make positive changes and move on down ;) the scale, (eventually) it will come, I have faith in my commitment.

Don comes home today!! YAAAAYYYY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sunny Girl... as we said when we started this journey... and you mentioned here.. screw the scale.. its nice to know what's going on strictly from a numbers perspective, but we have a lot of other things to use to validate our success.

    You know you are loosing, whether it is pounds or inches, you can see the results in the way you feel and the way your clothes fit!
