Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


No Small Steps

I took a very big step today, right onto my scale.

I've lost.......(Drumroll Please)......... 20.5 pounds!!

I was so filled with joy, so excited, so motivated!!!

I faced my fear head-on and did it. Losing my fears as well as pounds is very empowering to me. I don't fear posting my weight either, (something I never would have done 3 weeks ago), but now I refuse to have my weight define who I am...I am now 289.5 lbs. I know a few people who might read that and feel a little sick, but it was akin to viewing the most beautiful garden in the world to me. I cannot even explain the joy I felt. I was over 310 lbs. before the cruise, and I know I had to gain quite a few more while dining the way we did, but I refuse to count cruise weight.

I spoke to Don today when we had our daily after work chat and he's making major changes in his daily routine, He calls them small steps, but I must say, to me, they are huge. Every step is major for the simple fact that we are changing our habits, our routines, our everyday lives, ourselves...FOREVER!

There are no small steps.


  1. What more can I say but :BRAVO...BRAVO...BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I can see your SMILE :) Galpal

  2. i'm so proud of you!!!!! *wolf whistles*

  3. Hey "Sunshine"! I've never blogged before if you can imagine, but this really inspired me to let you know that I think you are such a beautiful person - inside AND out, period. What's important is to be healthy, and I'm glad you're committed to heading in this direction. You need to be around for a long time. Afterall, laughter is good for the soul, and you my friend are, without questionm our "soul train" (sorry for the cheese)! :+)
    Anyway, bottom line - I wish you all the things in which you want to succeed; your cousin as well. Love you lots! Rita

  4. CONGRATULATIONS... my traveling partner. What a great loss. I am so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself!!!
