Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


I'm In Control

I got through Easter with one very small infraction, the tbs. of pasta that I simply had to taste. It was an amazing dish and at one time, I would have eaten 1/2 a lb. of it, but the taste got me through, probably because there were so many other choices...Easter Dinner was wonderful.

Today was stressful, probably my most challenging yet as far as emotions go. I have not given in to it by squelching the emotions with food, I am allowing myself to deal with the emotions, feel them, continue to improve my life by thinking in a different, more self appreciating way. I've come a long way.

Before I began this plan, I would have dealt with these emotions by wallowing in self pity and reaching for sticky buns or any other carb laden food.

But now I am in control of my own body and mind, therefore, what goes in it, nutritionally or emotionally, must be positive in nature. I make the right choices as far as nutrition and I can deal with emotions without letting the negativity fester, weeding it out and letting it go, being left with empowerment and the will to act! I am moving's a timely process, but it will be a worthwhile one.

Having read what I just wrote, it almost sounds cryptic...I am having a hard time articulating because I don't want to bore with details. Just know that I am doing fine, I am in a good place. More sure of my future now more than ever before and feeling very in control, emotionally, and this has a very positive effect on my daily first step of many to a successful future.


  1. This is the very first time I have ever seen a blog, let alone write on one...That's how important and wonderful I find this for adding to your village. Your successes so far are wonderful and inspiring for me. Keep on Keepin' on and Thanks for sharin.

  2. Powerful message Sunny...I could feel your emotion and real sense of beginning Empowerment for YOU.Continue those positive steps and know we are all right there with you.You and Don are not only improving your own lives but you have inspired us all in so many ways. Again I say BRAVO !! Galpal

  3. Welcome, Laurel.leigh and thank you for posting and following, we can use all and any support, it means a lot to both of us. I hope we continue to inspire you, as having you here inspires us as well!! :)

    Thanks, GalPal, can't wait to meet so I can give you that hug I've been waiting to give to you. You have been so supportive, such a wonderful friend you are!! :)

  4. I am so proud of you Sunny Girl! Your ability to look past the food and into yourself, it's what we all need to learn how to do! Thank you for sharing this.
