Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Planning Ahead...

I am having a very relaxing day, thank you. :) My meal plans are working and I think that's because I plan them ahead of time. I don't like rummaging through a fridge at the last minute, looking for "something" to eat. I like planning ahead, prepping if I have to and then taking the time to relax this foot or I could be doing things that need doing. My point is, planning ahead helps to keep me focused on the plan without having to think of food all the time. I just take some time, once a week to think about what I need to have in the house, buy it and prep it and it's all ready for me at meal time.

Don has begun to do this after his dinner meal every night, for the next day, and it's working for him as well.

Sometimes it's impossible to plan ahead, especially for a person who works outside the home, but when you do take the extra time, planning and preparing ahead can save time, energy and pounds! It's helped me this far and is definitely the way to go for me....try planning ahead to win the battle against reaching for "something" instead of the one thing you've already planned, and for health's sake.........relax.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, planning ahead is clearly helping you. I can't tell you enough how proud of you I am. You're doing it for real! I can tell! =) By the way, that is the cutest blog pic to date!
