Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


The Perfect Foods

Mmmm...Eggs and bacon. Thank goodness I love them both so much. Even cook time is fairly quick...bacon can be cooked in the microwave in minutes (paper towels on top and bottom) and eggs take no time at all to fry, boil or scramble. I like to make a lot of bacon at one time because I use it for a lot of other things, I add to my egg salads, or I scoop some eggs on top of the bacon and eat as a finger food, add to salads and meats, even bacon bits and cheese as a snack.

The thing about bacon and eggs is that when combined, you're getting all the fat and protein you need to feel not only satisfied, but satisfied longer. That allows you to have four or five lighter meals - including snacks - throughout the day which are essential on a low carb plan.

To a regular dieter it sounds like a horror because of all the fat and protein we're taking in, but without the carbs, it works....when a person only takes in fat....that's all a person burns....what a concept!

p.s. Tomorrow is quit day for smoking too, wish me luck!
I am really going to do this.
Will, determination and commitment.


  1. Hi Sunny...I know you are missing your "buddy" but please know that the support you need/deserve is still here.
    Fantastic that tomorrow is "QUIT DAY" !!!!!
    You will be in my thoughts,I'll be sending tons of POSITIVE vibes your way.
    Also sending healing "white light" that your foot will soon be less painful....there will be no stopping you then, LOL.
    Hugs, Galpal

  2. OMG.. Sunny.. .what a wonderful decision for your health. We all know how difficult it will be and we will ALL SUPPORT YOU!
