Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


I love my iPhone

It's just a marvel of modern technology. While I am away in France, I'll be able to keep in touch with this vital support tool... our BLOG. It is really our lifeline and focal point during our journey out of fat and into thin.

I was able to find an application for the iPhone that helps me count carbohydrates in my meals, one that allows me to blog to this blog, and one that allows me to read an Atkins low-carb cookbook. 

I plan on coming home with all new ideas about meals and choices, making this process more interesting and the food more varied.

God bless technology....


  1. Nice ideas all of them, but our own recipes are growing quite nicely! ;)

  2. I love the recipes you are adding to our recipe page. I got the Atkins book on my iPhone to read on the trip and get some new ideas. I am going to make your ham pie when I get back.. .can't wait!

  3. =) gotta love technology! It keeps getting better too! Did you see that new phone by verizon?? I forget what it's called (of course) but I'm sure you'll be seeing the commercials when you return!
