Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Trusting Yourself!

Last night was the first time since I started this journey that I ate totally alone. I, of course, made all the right choices, but realized, hey....I really can trust myself.

In the past, eating alone was the time when I really had problems making correct choices. Not anymore. I have finally proved to myself that I CAN trust myself, and this is a great feeling

I'm leaving for work and will add to this post when I get back tonight.

So, another long work day. Got to the hotel at 8:30pm. I went to a Lebonese restaurant for dinner. Now it's off to post this blog and to bed.

Sunny Girl. Congratulations on your exercise with Gina. WAY TO GO!!!


  1. Hey there Don, what did you have to eat at the Lebanese restaurant? Give us some of those low-carb choices you had to make!

    Inquiring readers want to know! Also hubman wants to know!

    Big hugs,


  2. Sounds like this travel experience has really come at a good time on your "Journey to good health and well being".The ability to make the choices and be "Trustworthy" in the process is a MAJOR step ....I'm so very proud of your efforts and continued commitment,even when "no one" is watching (ha)....Stay safe,Love and BIG HUGS, Galpal

  3. Hey sweets...GalPal is righ on. You've really stepped up and learned that trusting in yourself is the most important thing you can do for you on this journey. 'Cause we can blog all we want, we can have all the support in the world, but if we can't trust ourselves, we're going to fail.

    You my beautiful cousin, are not a failure!!!
    *Raising my water glass to our success!!
