Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Get on your feet...

... come on.. let's make it happen.

I don't know why this was running through my mind all day today. I had the busiest day, EVER ... not a moment to even think today. I had a total of 7 hours in meetings... ugg.. But.. they were very productive.

I think about the song by Gloria Estaphan and the lyric is so true. Sunny Girl, I know you have a bad ankle now, and you REALLY NEED TO STAY OFF OF IT..., but when the time is right, this needs to be our mantra. Activity will really help increase our weight loss. Every day I am trying challenge myself to get on my feet and start moving around more, making it happen! I have more energy than I have had in years.. so time to take advantage of it!

My day today was great. I missed lunch because of all the meetings at work, but I stayed on plan and drank plenty of liquids. I feel great and my spirit is SKY HIGH!


  1. YOU are making it happen every hour of every day....!!!!! So darn proud of you both I could jump for JOY just thinking about how well you are doing :) ((((BIG HUGS)))) Galpal

  2. what a fantastic energy, it jumps off the page and I love it!! Feeling good and being's the only way to think!! :) We're so there, cuz!!

  3. Hey Gal, good to see you!!! How is Geri doing??
    I hope all is well.

  4. can't get this song out of my head tonight!!

  5. Thanks Gal Pal! Hugs back to you and Geri both! Hope things are going well!
