Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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I Wish I Could Move!

I'm Feeling a little frustrated today. I have so much energy, I feel so much lighter, but of course I still have the ankle issue holding me back.

I did just a minimal amount of walking last night, and this morning I cooked (I made a pot of Italian gravy and cooked meatballs and sausage to add to it.....I also have a roast beef in the crock pot for tomorrow) and now the ankle hurts a lot, so I am going in to sit down a while and try to keep it up for the rest of the day/evening. Maybe I'll pop a few movies in and just enjoy my Saturday evening. The trouble is, I feel like I want to clean the house (Thank God for Gina) or take a walk or do some shopping! :-D I just can't do the walking or even standing.

When I begin exercising on Monday, I will have to sit in place and do upper body exercises...Gina and I plan to begin using the weight bench and small weights we have downstairs, I figure if I can't get on the treadmill, I have to begin doing something and that seems like the only viable plan for now. At the end of May we'll open the pool and at least I can do some lower body and leg exercises without putting any pressure on my ankle....Come on, May!!!!

Don has left the building............Be safe, cuz! xo


  1. =( I know, I wish I could take away your pain... there's nothing worse than watching other in pain. I can't believe the shot hasn't helped at all.

    We will definitely be able to keep each other motivated while working out. It will be good for us. Can't wait!

  2. Sunny, I'm so happy that you're having a major energy boost al due to your good work. Hang in there and you'll be able to do all that you want. Congratz on starting to do some exercise too.

    Luv Cuz
