Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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A blog about nothing...

Dear constant reader...

You know that Sunny Girl and I try to blog every single day. We find it a fundamental focus point for us, putting down our feelings, our accomplishments, our insights. I spoke with Sunny yesterday and we were both saying to each other.. 'you know.. sometimes I just don't know what to blog about'... 'after all, we don't experience REVELATIONS every day!'

So we decided on those days, we'd blog anyway, even if the blog was about absolutely nothing except what we did that day. We both realize this will be a long road, we are both in it to win it.. so to speak.. so.. every day.. a blogging we will go!

Ok.. enough about nothing... I'm out!


  1. your nothing was really something!! ;)

  2. *looks up* good one! haha

    This is your best blog EVER!!!!!!!

    GO DON! :-P lol... kidding!!!

  3. Your blogs are never nothing...I look forward to reading your thoughts every day....makes me feel as if I'm truly sharing this journey with you "Keep on Keeping on"..Lv ya Galpal
