Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Gonna Be a Tired Kinda Day...

I got a total of one hour sleep last night and I am up for the day now, going to take a shower and go to Philly. My brother and I are taking mom to finally get the pins and rods out of her ankle .....yaaaaaaaay!! The woman has been immobile since February and she will still need a couple of weeks to recover from today's surgery, but hopefully she will be back to normal in no time.

I don't know why I couldn't fall asleep last night, sometimes this happens to me without reason. I fall asleep, but can't stay asleep. Anyway, I was thinking a lot about the rest of my day and how tired I am going to be, so I decided to blog now because I know tonight, I will definitely not be awake enough to type.

My diet is going so well, I can't even say I've been tempted much, maybe slightly and only on occasion, but I am so confident that I'm taking this to the end of the road, it makes me giddy with excitement!! Or is that my tiredness?.... hmmm....I better go get my clothes ready, I want to beat the rush hour traffic and mom's surgery is scheduled for 8:00.

Hey cuz, I hope your birthday was splendid! I will talk to you soon!!


  1. good luck to your mum today :)

    btw, not sleeping at night is a sign of menopause approaching :P

  2. HI Nan..

    I hope you had a good day with your brother and mom. As far as the sleeping goes, I find the more protein I have the less sleep I need. Did you eat some protein later in the evening that may have energized you?

    Luv.. Ya

  3. hahahaha cute pic. get some sleep.
