Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Low Carb vs. Surgery...

This was an incredible day. We had a couple of friends over tonight, we hadn't seen this couple and their mom for a while now and it was such a good time. We talked for quite a bit about weight loss because this friend of mine has recently undergone lap-band surgery. She had the operation in February and is now beginning to eat regular foods instead of mostly liquids and soft food, in fact, she had her first fruit since the surgery while she was here, you guessed it... strawberries! ;)

Anyway, my friend was telling me about a friend of hers who had the lap-band surgery just 2 weeks or so prior to her having it and last week, some very bad complications set in and the band eroded and had to be removed. She had a horrible infection and had to have a portion of her stomach removed as well. I really feel for this woman, my friend said she's been in constant pain and has an incision from under the breast to her navel. She's been through much more than she bargained for and I am keeping her in my prayers, please do the same if you are inclined to pray.

To think that I considered this method of weight loss. I was beginning to think that elective surgery was my only choice. I changed my mind after attending the classes and finding out I was not a candidate because I have an umbilical hernia.

Even though it's not common for this sort of thing to happen after lap-band surgery, it does happen. There but for the grace of God, go I.


  1. I had given a lot of thought to these types of procedures as well. I always saw them as a 'last resort' option. I'm so glad we both decided to take the route we are taking now. I know, not everyone, has difficulties with the procedures, and many have had wonderful results, but the thought of having to adapt to the types of changes they make in our anatomy, I don't know.. it's just kind of creepy to me.

    Good Post Sunny!

  2. Amen. You can do this w/o SURGERY!

  3. P.S. I love the pic!

