Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


If you don't like it....

... change it! I love this saying. It's all about what Sunny and I are all about. We finally realized we didn't like where we were in our lives, and we FINALLY decided to do something about it.. we decided to CHANGE IT!

This is almost as good a saying as my favorite, told to me by Sunny years ago.. it is this:
Nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!

Today was a good day, My meals were good and I stayed on plan. I get to weigh tomorrow and I'm just as excited as Sunny is. Any loss is a WIN!

Drink to Flush!

Feeling a little bloated, so drinking more water today...and getting rid of it too.

I've had a pretty boring day today but on plan and moving forward, which is the most important thing.

As you may or may not know, tomorrow is weigh-in day for Don and I, we're really looking forward to it... :) It will be nice to see how much success has come of our diligence. We're staying focused no matter what the scale says, but there is something about the reward we feel when we can actually see our results, right there in front of us. Especially when they are great results, which I am certain they will be !! :) (:

Wee hours of the morning...

SO, (Yawn..) ...

I woke up at 2:30 am (with a little help from Ariel who had to go potty), now I can't go back to sleep. I went to bed early, at 8:30 pm, so I have gotten six hours of sleep. These days, with the diet primarily of protein, it's not unusual for me to feel awake and refreshed with less sleep.

So, I get up, make some coffee.. and now I'm back, blogging. I love this blog. It's a place for Sunny Girl and myself to just 'let it all hang out', so to speak.

I've been noticing that my brain seems to be working better these days. Spelling, for one thing, (which seemed to be getting worse and worse as I grew older), actually seems, now, to be improving. I definitely feel more alive, more aware, more 'in every moment'. Maybe it's because, in the past, all the food and overeating, acted as a buffer, a membrane between me and life.

Don't get me wrong, I have been enjoying my life, even though I was 'weighed-down', but as I look back, it was kind of like being under... things look distorted, but beautiful.., it's hard to move around.. and all of your senses are a bit dulled.

I'm so glad to be out of that ocean and back on dry land! I'm so fortunate to have a man that loves and supports me, even when I was soaking wet. For both he and I, the road ahead is lookin pretty damn great!


Get on your feet...

... come on.. let's make it happen.

I don't know why this was running through my mind all day today. I had the busiest day, EVER ... not a moment to even think today. I had a total of 7 hours in meetings... ugg.. But.. they were very productive.

I think about the song by Gloria Estaphan and the lyric is so true. Sunny Girl, I know you have a bad ankle now, and you REALLY NEED TO STAY OFF OF IT..., but when the time is right, this needs to be our mantra. Activity will really help increase our weight loss. Every day I am trying challenge myself to get on my feet and start moving around more, making it happen! I have more energy than I have had in years.. so time to take advantage of it!

My day today was great. I missed lunch because of all the meetings at work, but I stayed on plan and drank plenty of liquids. I feel great and my spirit is SKY HIGH!

Feeling Fuller Faster...

...say that 5 times real fast :)

I had a revelation today...*wink* ... I realized that I can no longer eat large amounts of food, my stomach has shrunk!!

I become full so fast that my meals are much smaller now. I do eat more often, but when i do, it's always the rest of what i couldn't finish earlier. So nothing that will hamper my success goes into my mouth, ever! I feel so much lighter than I did at my last weigh-in and I am so looking forward to this one, on the first!

I just made a delicious dinner that I know is going to be good...It has boneless breast of chicken in it and I had a few pieces, they're bite size, with a big glass of water and I realized, it was enough to qualify as a snack...I'm actually satisfied until dinner at 6....just a little bit of protein will get you through!!


A blog about nothing...

Dear constant reader...

You know that Sunny Girl and I try to blog every single day. We find it a fundamental focus point for us, putting down our feelings, our accomplishments, our insights. I spoke with Sunny yesterday and we were both saying to each other.. 'you know.. sometimes I just don't know what to blog about'... 'after all, we don't experience REVELATIONS every day!'

So we decided on those days, we'd blog anyway, even if the blog was about absolutely nothing except what we did that day. We both realize this will be a long road, we are both in it to win it.. so to speak.. so.. every day.. a blogging we will go!

Ok.. enough about nothing... I'm out!

Inspirational Quote

Gonna Be a Tired Kinda Day...

I got a total of one hour sleep last night and I am up for the day now, going to take a shower and go to Philly. My brother and I are taking mom to finally get the pins and rods out of her ankle .....yaaaaaaaay!! The woman has been immobile since February and she will still need a couple of weeks to recover from today's surgery, but hopefully she will be back to normal in no time.

I don't know why I couldn't fall asleep last night, sometimes this happens to me without reason. I fall asleep, but can't stay asleep. Anyway, I was thinking a lot about the rest of my day and how tired I am going to be, so I decided to blog now because I know tonight, I will definitely not be awake enough to type.

My diet is going so well, I can't even say I've been tempted much, maybe slightly and only on occasion, but I am so confident that I'm taking this to the end of the road, it makes me giddy with excitement!! Or is that my tiredness?.... hmmm....I better go get my clothes ready, I want to beat the rush hour traffic and mom's surgery is scheduled for 8:00.

Hey cuz, I hope your birthday was splendid! I will talk to you soon!!


A Joyous Birthday to You, Cousin!!!

Happy Birthday, Don!!!!
No matter what you do tonight.....ENJOY IT!!! :)

Happy Birthday.... to me...

Welcome 52! I am excited about this new year that I have ahead of me. So many things have changed since 51 rolled around.

I'm loosing weight, I'm going to reach my goal, I'm HAPPY about 'the now' and about the 'when I get there' part too.

I may not be able to have birthday cake, or some carbohydrate packed meal, which has been the way I have celebrated birthdays all my life, but I can have some strawberries and cream, a nice salad with steak and be satisfied about a promise of a lighter 52, and even lighter 53.

Getting older never looked so good!

And.. oh... I can't wait until 4/27/2010 when I can look back down the road and see all that I have accomplished in this year!


Sunny's Sunday

It was an amazingly hot day for April and I didn't want to do anything that involved going outside, so I stayed inside, tried not to do too much because, once again, my ankle hurts a lot. Too much running around to doctor's offices this past week and this comming Tuesday, it's down to my mother's to watch my dad.

I thought today would have been perfect to rest it, but low and behold, hubman went outside to B-B-Q some steaks and doesn't the damn thing blow up and catch fire?? Of course, I wound up having to cook!! ...I NEED TO STAY PUT, I NEED TO BE OFF MY FEET!!!! But I honestly don't know how to make anyone understand that!!! I am in a lot of pain and plan to medicate myself so that I can sleep soon. I just need to put my feet up and I think sleeping is the only way to do that right now.

I'm feeling great weight wise. I also can not wait to weigh-in next week!
I did have one too many strawberries for lack of anything else to eat, but I think I'll be ok. I hope so.

Here I sit... (I WISH IT WAS ME!)

so broken hearted, tried to... um.. never mind!

Today has been a good day. I got to work in the yard some, before it got up to 90 frikin degrees in APRIL... oh my God.. I hate the heat.

I did a lot of planning for eating this week. I usually hate salads, but realized it was that I wasn't a big fan of lettuce, not of salad. So, today when I went shopping I bought lots of stuff I can have to put in the salad (eggs, leeks, radishes, green onions, cucumbers, artichoke hearts, shredded carrots etc..) and prepared everything, so that during the week, all we have to do is pull from the containers and make a killer salad. It's all about planning ahead.

I have been trying to think about what to blog about all day, and have been drawing a big blank. I feel good, I am on plan, I get to weigh at the end of this week (I am excited.. I can tell I've lost), so.. this blog is nothing monumental, nothing thought-provoking, but it's the day I had today!


The long and winding road...

... that leads... US BACK...

Today was such a nice, sunny day that Ed and I decided to go for a motorcycle ride. We rode from home to the Harley dealer (Ed got a Harley recently,.. um.. does that make me his biker bitch?..?..?..) then we rode through Langhorne to New Town, Yardley area to Starbucks. We stopped and I had an iced coffee.. it was wonderful.

On the way back home, riding through Yardley, I was thinking about, what...? ...?, Sunny Girl and my journey.. of course. I try to 'stay in the moment' as we are doing this, but I do have my sights set on some long-term goals. I hadn't really thought about it too much, but on this drive I started thinking... ' you know, I have to loose HALF of myself... to get to where I want to be... ', and BOY IS THAT DAUNTING.. when looking from that perspective.

Then I looked down the road I was on, which was very much like this one pictured here, except not fall foliage, and thought.. you know.. I better just keep my eye on what's around the next bend.. because it is going to be a long, and winding road to get to where I want to be in the end. I know that I can do this, staying focused and navigating one curve at a time... and ultimately arrive at my goal!

It is important that you know, constant reader / comment poster, how much Sunny Girl and I rely on your visits and thoughts, and how much they mean to both of us.. You're the gas in our little engines! Thanks everyone!

Seuss Saturday...

I was talking to Gina this morning about eggs for breakfast and told her (just to make her smile more than anything) that I was just tired of looking down into a plate of yellow mush, meaning my scrambled eggs. I came into the other room to grab my phone and call Don and she stayed in the kitchen (rare for Gina to be in the kitchen ;-p) and got busy. I had a wonderful talk with Don about our day and how we felt and the fact that he was riding today, with the weather being so beautiful.

When I hung up the phone, Gina came in with the dish you see pictured above......she had been busy making me green eggs and ham!!! She is such a TEACHER!!! We got a huge laugh out of it and it was absolutely delicious with some American cheese she added to the mix!

Off to enjoy the rest of the day/evening!!


Inspirational Quote

Look at Us!

Wow cuz, it doesn't even look like you anymore!!!! Hahaha....say good bye to Fat Sunny and Don everyone, this is the official send off to the next 25 lbs!

Wooooo Hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

A day for reflection

I'm in a very reflective mood this morning. I'm sitting in my recliner, it's 5:00 am. Ed is up getting ready for work. He made me a nice cup of coffee and I've got my Ariel laying at my side.

I've been thinking about all the changes and revelations which have occurred over the last 8 weeks. I've learned a lot about myself, about why I am, who I am. I hold on to this knowledge each day, and it drives me forward.


Catch a Wave???

I used Chantix a few years ago to quit smoking and it worked for a while, so I decided to give it another try. I took my first one yesterday with no ill effect, today is a different story. I've had waves of nausea crashing into me in 1/2 hour intervals all morning....I remember now why I hated taking them.

I tried to eat some eggs earlier but was too sick to finish them, I'm going to try eating before taking it tomorrow, maybe that's the key.

I really want to quit though and this seems to be my best option while dieting since it blocks the need for a cigarette. If I don't need a cigarette by the third week, which is my goal, then I've got it licked!! Thin and non smoking?....yes!!

You gotta have... R E S P E C T...

You know, Aretha had it right.. you gotta have respect. For years I know that I have been respected by others. My friends know they can count on me, my employers know they can expect only the best... I have spent my whole life earning the respect of those I love and others in my life. The only problem is, in all that time, I never really learned what 'self-respect' really was. If I was asked, I'd say sure.. I respect myself. I based that on how I felt others perceived me, but never really looked inside myself.

Self respect to me means not being ashamed of your actions or choices. Well, in the past I don't really think that my actions (over indulging, lack of control, blatant disregard for my best interests, etc...) equated to actual 'self-respect', more like self-disrespect!

Now I am on a new path. A path that won't end when I reach my goal weight, which by the way is 210 pounds (first time stated on this blog)! I know now that I am making good choices, I'm in control, I am not disregarding what is in my best interest... I have self-respect, and it SHOWS BY MY ACTIONS AND CHOICES!


Never... Ever... Submit!!!

Today.... this is my motto! Sunny and I have been traveling down this road for about 8 weeks now.. and I am proud to say that neither one of us has submitted, even once, to temptation. I am very proud of both of us!

I stopped by KFC today on the way home to get some of that new 'BBQ Roasted' chicken. Of course I got the dinner bucket, with coleslaw and corn, biscuits and all.. and I DID NOT SUBMIT. I only ate the chicken. It was ok, but I enjoyed the roasted chicken I made last weekend better.

Staying on plan doesn't take much thought anymore. I'm pre-programmed to be sure to have 3 meals a day, to walk on the other side of the street any time carbohydrate rich foods are near, to read all the labels for content when I shop... etc. I am in a happy place. Life is good, things are getting loose and I FEEL GOOD!

Come ooooon HDL, We Can Do This!!!

The Doctor called today with my blood test results. My HDL (good cholesterol) is too low. For those who don't know; the HDL is what gets rid of the LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood stream. He also told me that my triglycerides are a little too high, (250). I asked what I can do to pull up my HDL number and he told me to stick to the turkey and chicken instead of beef and to stay away from processed meats, which means hot dogs or sausage, pepperoni...etc. He also said I should keep my intake of cheese to a minimal amount, which is 3 to 4 oz. a day. I was told that other than doing these things, to just continue the plan and to go back in 3 weeks for more blood work.

I feel like I lost about 10 lbs. overnight, so I'm not even going to stress over this. I will just do as I was told and move forward....Being monitored by a doctor during a diet such as this one is obviously very important.

Slow and Steady Wins The Race...

I wake in the mornings feeling like a thin person, like I should look in the mirror and see the person I feel like I am....The only problem is, I'm not thin. My mirror doesn't reflect how I feel. It still tells me I've months to go. I'm getting used to it, but some days, it's daunting. Some days, it feels like it will take forever. I have to keep reminding myself that time moves quickly and by this time next year, I am going to look as thin as I feel. It's comforting to think of it this way. And it's even more comforting to know that I have Don in my corner, someone who understands exactly what I mean when I say...God, I feel like a thin person now!

Today I am thankful for Don, for my daughter, who is always there for me and for the rain....because the flowers are coming, how appropriate that soon the blossoms will appear! It takes time, but they always blossom!
Slow and steady.....


Quick.. call the police.. I think we have a flasher...

Today was another good day.

I was walking down an aisle at work today and my pants almost fell right off. I had to grab my waist quickly, or they would have been around my knees. Can you imagine that.. I was thrilled that I've lost so much this is possible, but at the same time, would have been livid if it actually happened.

I continue to have more energy each day. I feel more alive and more engaged in life!

Things I am grateful for today:
The love of a good man
The support of same said good man
The patience of yet again, the same said good man
The generosity of ... aw heck.. I'm just grateful to have a good man to love and who loves me!

We have been together for 18 years. He has loved me through thinner and thicker, always seeing the man inside of me, not my physical appearance. He should get a medal of honor.


Thank Goodness for Chicken!

I woke up feeling REALLY light today, I know I am losing and I've never felt better, so energetic, so alive, so ....well, you know....I just feel GREAT!!!

I did the shake thing this morning as I usually do, and as you can tell by reading the meal section, I do it almost every day. But Don is right, it's just not enough sometimes. I was starving by 1:00 and decided ok, time to look for something to eat...I cooked chicken breast the other night and completely forgot that I had it left over, I took it out, sliced it thin and added some butter and mushrooms to the pan....omg! How could something so simple, taste so good!? All the protein i needed to get me through to dinner and not be hungry....this is the greatest diet ever!!!

Cuz, I'm so glad you're here every day to inspire and put words to my thoughts sometimes and I'm finding that to be the coolest of all!!! You know exactly what I'm going through and there is nothing like it. If anyone needs a diet buddy...stick around, the best is yet to come!!
Oh and please explain how you got that tag on here, my sun was a gif and it changes colors, but doesn't work here, help?

Another day on the Road....

I'm at work, just working the day away. I was able to bring in my laptop and a mobile wireless card so that I can access my email and blog at lunch here now.

Nothing spectacular to report, except we are now on what...WEEK 8 of our process, and both Sunny Girl and I have not fallen off the 'turnip truck'! Congratulations to us both. We have really passed the 'hard' part of being acclimated to all the changes and de-carbohydrating our bodies. I am so happy that we both have kept on the road and are headed in the right direction.

Here is to us both, Sunny!

Low Carb vs. Surgery...

This was an incredible day. We had a couple of friends over tonight, we hadn't seen this couple and their mom for a while now and it was such a good time. We talked for quite a bit about weight loss because this friend of mine has recently undergone lap-band surgery. She had the operation in February and is now beginning to eat regular foods instead of mostly liquids and soft food, in fact, she had her first fruit since the surgery while she was here, you guessed it... strawberries! ;)

Anyway, my friend was telling me about a friend of hers who had the lap-band surgery just 2 weeks or so prior to her having it and last week, some very bad complications set in and the band eroded and had to be removed. She had a horrible infection and had to have a portion of her stomach removed as well. I really feel for this woman, my friend said she's been in constant pain and has an incision from under the breast to her navel. She's been through much more than she bargained for and I am keeping her in my prayers, please do the same if you are inclined to pray.

To think that I considered this method of weight loss. I was beginning to think that elective surgery was my only choice. I changed my mind after attending the classes and finding out I was not a candidate because I have an umbilical hernia.

Even though it's not common for this sort of thing to happen after lap-band surgery, it does happen. There but for the grace of God, go I.


It's not the power of the curse...'s the power we GIVE the curse. This is a line from a movie I just finished watching, and as with a lot of things I see these days, I immediately associated it with the journey Sunny Girl and I are on.

Being overweight, in my opinion, can be a curse. For me, it has been a never ending cycle of dieting methods, exuberant beginnings, tragic failures, depression and sadness. If this isn't the description of a curse, I don't know what is.

But I realize now that all this time, and through all the previous attempts at loss, I never really focused on the basic fact that I was giving the 'curse' the power over me, giving IT POWER and letting it defeat me, every time.

Sunny Girl and I have finally decided to take the power away from the curse, and give the power back to ourselves. The power to change, the power to make the right decisions, and most of all the power to look the curse in the face and say.. 'You no longer have power over us!'

Here is to the power we both have, Sunny Girl!


Hey Cuz...

...Sounds like you had a great day, I love that you felt more comfortable while riding, but not surprised, you've lost quite a bit, it shows so I know you're feelin' it, cuz.

I kind of feel like Don does today, much like my little girl, Tia in the picture over there. I'm headed to sleep, but had to stop in and share a little about what happened tonight. We had some friends over tonight that we hadn't seen in quite a while. They mentioned my weight loss, which felt good...people are beginning to notice and that's always cool, but what I really wanted to say was that they brought donuts with them......and donuts, as anyone who knows me knows, are my absolute favorite! And I wasn't even tempted! :-)

On the road again....

What a beautiful day today. Ed and I went out riding on our motorcycles (see image above, this is my Kawasaki Vulcan). I didn't ride much last year because I was 'to big' to be comfortable. Today, I felt good. I know I'll even feel better by summer and even better than that next spring!

I kind of have the blahs tonight. It's really the first time I have had to blog and have drawn a blank on what to blog about. So, instead of stressing about it, I'll sign-off and relax.. I deserve it! Blog at you tomorrow!



...The most inspirational person in my life!
A man who I have always admired and respected!

Doesn't he look incredible!!

Inspirational Quote

“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins - not through strength, but through persistence.” ...Buddha


I was thinking about bread and butter today, probably because when Don and I had lunch together today, the waiter brought a basket of bread for us to "enjoy" before our meal....Of course, Don said, "If you would, please remove the bread..."

But it left me wondering what it is about bread that I loved so much, why was it so satisfying?...Instantly gratifying? I had the same affection for pasta, but bread was so convenient. And then I remembered the feeling of comfort these foods brought me, when I was feeling alone or stressed about something, the bread was always the first thing I reached for. Nothing said 'comfort' to me like slices of toast with honey or jam on it...or butter or better yet, apple butter!!!

And then I realized, the reason I'm no longer in love with it, is because I found some things more deserving of my love and affection.......First and foremost, me and my family and's all about the people, not the food, not anymore.

Ourselves, and those around us, are where we draw our inner strength from and the foods we eat, give strength for the body, and being able to understand this is really helping me to look to the special people in my life when I need comfort, a good conversation with someone you love and trust is so much better than a freakin' piece of bread anyday!!! ......“hallelujah!”

Unless someone has walked a mile in my shoes....

.... they shouldn't suppose they know what I can or can not do, physically! I have to keep telling myself to speak-up in situations where other people don't realize what my limitations are.

I have blogged before concerning my 'fear' of not fitting. I was worried about the plane seats, the taxis, the chairs in the board room I was meeting in, etc...

I have a story to tell about my trip to France which will drive this point home.

The third day I was there, after working 11 hours the group who was in charge of our visit, planned a 'tour' of a new production facility which they were going to move into the next week.

The facility has a 'controlled' environment area where you must 'gown-up' to prevent product contamination. I know from the start I would have problems there (no gown to fit me.. etc).. so I said I would skip the tour and continue working. I didn't want to outright say 'you probably won't have a gown to fit my '@@# ass'. They insisted that I go, so I went.

First of all, the walk there was over half a mile (I'm not quite ready for that type of exercise yet), and I walked it, struggling to keep up with the group and silently sweating my ass off.

When we got there, we couldn't find the person who was going to let us in for the tour, so I had some time to stand, catch my breath and cool down (and mop off all the sweat).
We finally got in and went into the gowning area.

Just as I thought, I couldn't find a 'paper throw-away' gown to fit. So I said so (embarrassing event number 1). They said 'we'll figure something o
ut', and they did. They asked me to put on 'coat' on forward, and one 'backward', so my clothes would be fully covered.

Of course, I complied. What I or they didn't realize was they had just created the perfect 'sweat box' for me. I was already overheated, now I was locked into clothing that didn't let my body vent.. and I had to wear a 'bonnet' over my head to, so no heat out that way either.

So, the tour commenced. The building was 5 stories and about a third of a block long. After about 30 minutes walking around, we stopped (thank God), to wait for someone and when we stopped, I noticed there was water 'pouring' out of the sleeves of the lab coat and puddling on the floor (embarrassment number 2). I stood there, moving around every two or thr
ee minutes, as to not let the puddles get too large. Finally someone said 'Don' are you ok?

I said to the guy, "I know that you are testing all the aspects of the building, but unless you want to test the emergency response systems because you a big, fat, sweaty, exhausted man passed-out on the floor, I think I'd better go back to the gowning area and take off this sauna suit". If I had gone on any further I would have passed out.

The moral to the story is, I shouldn't let what other people think of me, or what they think I can do, overrule my common sense. I should have insisted I didn't want to go and not
worried about what they thought. LESSON LEARNED (the hard way)

Building on our Successes...

I was up early this morning, even though it was my day off (4:15 am). I was watching some TV and waiting for Ed to get up and get ready for work. I started thinking about a meeting I was in yesterday, in which the subject of my diet came up. I was so thrilled to boast that I didn't cheat one bit, while in France, even with all the temptations.

I have great support at work, they all want to see me get healthy, and they were telling me how Ed was reading my blog and reporting to them while I was away, about how good I was doing.

As I think about this, I realize that in those individual successes I can draw strength... IT REALLY FELT GOOD to be able to say in front of the group ..." I DID IT". A lesson learned. Our individual temptations may be difficult, but having the strength to overcome them, gives us something to 'hold-on to' and put before ourselves and others to show our success and commitment.

We build our successes one at a time, but with each one, we grow stronger, more confident, more capable and ultimately healthy, both mentally and physically.


Vision.. Past Present and Future

The Road

I saw a commercial with Wynonna Judd in it about a new diet system (Alli). She said something that got me thinking.

Sunny Girl and I ARE on a journey. I use the metaphor all the time on this blog, the Road to success.. etc... so here are my thoughts at this moment:

I am standing on our road. I look behind me and see the person I was, and am glad I'm not that anymore. I see where I am on the road and I like who I am, but, I can see down the road and I really love who I am becoming.


Thanks Guys and Gals

For all of the support I receive, for all well wishes and the pats on the back, I thank you.

My days are brighter and my body is lighter because of you!

I had an amaZing day, meal wise and just feeling wonderful in general. My clothes are so loose, it's getting rediculous, but it makes me so happy, I giggle when I get dressed!!

Have a relaxing evening, I know I will.


Today... is such a GOOD DAY!

I am full of energy today. I want to jump and shout (really I do). I'm excited about our progress, I'm happy with my decisions and choices, and I feel GREAT. Tomorrow I get to have lunch with my road-warrior Sunny Girl.. and that will be wonderful. I love when we can see each other face to face and chat.

Things I am grateful for today:
Arms and legs that work
A clear mind
The ability to breath
The expectation of a bright future


Here's To our success...

I am so proud of both of us. We are in week 6 of this journey and are both energized, enthused and persistently progressing towards our goals. We both need to keep in mind that the road is going to be long, and the process will not stop, even after we reach our 'goal weights'.

I am glad that I could finally weigh myself and have an indicator of how I am doing. I know it is just a number, and not every weigh-in will be a huge drop, but as long as we are both heading in the right direction and keep focused on our end objective.. we'll do just fine!

Congratulations to you Sunny, for another loss, but better yet, to your dedication to the journey.

A Loss Is A Loss...

...Ok, so I lost One and one half pound in 15 days. Don't even think for a moment that this is bothering me. I've done this before and what I've learned is, once the initial weight comes off (including lots of water weight) there are ebbs and flows....I hit an ebb and that's ok. I know that when I'm weighed again on the 30th there will be a substantial amount of loss.

Being so sedentary has a lot to do with it, and I will have to either pick up the pace or cut out some of the veggies....I just hope that screaming mongoose doesn't rear it's ugly head! (Major eye roll!!)

Kudos to Don....over 22 lbs. !!!! We are sooo on our way! Never has a rainy day looked so lovely to me!

*singing* ....Seat belts that fit and no extentions, loose fitting clothes and much smaller mittens....I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feeeeeeeeeel...sooooooooooo baaaad!! ;)

Berry Good...

I love my strawberries so much, I fear my tongue will soon resemble this picture! ;)

I had a stellar day, I wish every day could be this uncomplicated. I wasn't hungry and I was very busy so it was easy to almost not even have time for meals, the shakes came in handy, thank goodness for shakes!

I'm weighing in tomorrow, I hope there's been SOME kind of loss, if not, it's forge ahead, nothing's going to stop me now!


Small signs...

... of progress. For the last year and a half or so, I haven't been able to put my seat belt on. I used to ALWAYS wear the belt while driving. I haven't tried to put it on in quite a while, but over the weekend, I decided to try... and guess what.. I put it on with room to spare!

We have to mark each of our signs of progress, no matter how small! WOO OOOO HOOO

I had a good day today, first day back at work after the trip. I'm in great spirits and very happy with my success while out of the country.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day. My new scale arrived today... stay tuned!!!


I'm In Control

I got through Easter with one very small infraction, the tbs. of pasta that I simply had to taste. It was an amazing dish and at one time, I would have eaten 1/2 a lb. of it, but the taste got me through, probably because there were so many other choices...Easter Dinner was wonderful.

Today was stressful, probably my most challenging yet as far as emotions go. I have not given in to it by squelching the emotions with food, I am allowing myself to deal with the emotions, feel them, continue to improve my life by thinking in a different, more self appreciating way. I've come a long way.

Before I began this plan, I would have dealt with these emotions by wallowing in self pity and reaching for sticky buns or any other carb laden food.

But now I am in control of my own body and mind, therefore, what goes in it, nutritionally or emotionally, must be positive in nature. I make the right choices as far as nutrition and I can deal with emotions without letting the negativity fester, weeding it out and letting it go, being left with empowerment and the will to act! I am moving's a timely process, but it will be a worthwhile one.

Having read what I just wrote, it almost sounds cryptic...I am having a hard time articulating because I don't want to bore with details. Just know that I am doing fine, I am in a good place. More sure of my future now more than ever before and feeling very in control, emotionally, and this has a very positive effect on my daily first step of many to a successful future.

Every day... a new day

What I'm grateful for today:

Each new day
A healthy future
A village who supports me


Errrr... Update

Well, I finally decided to order a different scale. Although the manufacturer of the scale I got a week ago said it would weigh up to 440 lbs, I don't think it can. I really feel that I am either close or below that weight. So, today I ordered the exact same scale that I use to use before, the one we couldn't find. I have faith in that one, and if it 'Err...'s me, I'll believe it. It should be here sometime this week.

I'm not really being 'hung-up' on weighing myself, but I do want to know the number!

The scale is a Tanita HD351


Easter.. a good time to have eggs!

I hope everyone is going to enjoy the day. We will be spending the day with family, and I'm sure lots of temptations. One thing to say about Easter, at least it's a holiday where some of the food is centered around something I CAN eat.. the incredible, edible EGG!

Someone enjoy the chocolate for me!

Happy Easter!

I am really looking forward to sharing this holiday with my "other" family, the Maglio's! My friend, Chris knew that I was not able to cook Easter dinner for my family this year because of my ankle issues and since there was no invitation forthcoming from my family, she was gracious enough to invite us all to her home for the holiday.

I don't know what will be on the menu for today, there was no need to even ask since anything made by any of the Maglio family is always superb, but I do know that I'm confident that I will be able to stay on plan and have an incredible meal at that! So I will post my meal plan later this evening.

I am so fortunate to have such wonderful people in my life. Don and Hubby, Gina, Moe, GalPal and Geri not the least among them. My girlfriend, Alberina and Mary, the Maglio sisters have all shown so much care and love as well, they may not comment often, or at all, but I am in constant touch with them and they are genuinely interested in my progress...I have such an amazing support system!

Happy Easter to all of you, you're in my thoughts and I wish you a wonderful day on this, the holiest day of our year!

It really does take a village...

Sunny Girl... This is for you. 

When you are having a bad day, or are in the middle of a bad situation, turn to the ones you know you can count on. We are there to support you through thick and thin, good and bad. Reach out to us, don't try to handle it alone. You know you can call anytime you need to.. and I know I can do the same. we are here for each other, to listen, to love, and especially to talk each other 'down from the ledge', so to speak, when times get tough. 

Here, in this safe circle, we all love you, admire you, respect your accomplishments and your will to succeed. Just, please, remember, you are not alone, and do not have to handle the bad stuff alone!



....for the stars, and not quite touching them.
Today was a very bad day for me, plan wise, emotionally and physically. Spiritually, it was a good day, I attended Easter vigil Mass with Gina and it was very uplifting.

However, I came home to hell with a very big mouth and enough negativity to fill a stadium, let alone a home. Support is practically non existant. If I am quitting smoking, it's a happier place to be, but this being an addiction and my not being able to quit this addiction lends itself to the most unhappy place on the planet.

No, it's not my health that is the concern here, it's the price of a pack of cigarettes, I agree it is a very steep price, but not one that is regulated by me.

I didn't last long without a cigarette and feel like there is no way I can stop right now. I'm sure I want to stay on this plan, but my life is not conducive to attempting it in a harmonious environment. This is not a cry for help. I am just having an extremely hard day.

Grandmom Suez used to say, better days ahead.......from her mouth to God's ears.