Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Two Cousin's become 'Media Rich'

Well, welcome to the 21st century. Note the new ICON in the left side bar for 'Video Blogs'. Click there to see recorded video blogs that I'm sure I will add several times a week. There are 2 there already for today!

I bought a FlipVideo camera today so that I could start putting some video on our blog. I went to Sunny's for a party today for her daughter's graduation from college. It was so great to see her ... and she looks WONDERFUL.. it's so apparent that she has lost weight!

It was so nice being at a party arranged by a fellow lo-carber.. she had some great choices. Roast pork and beef, peppers and sausage, provolone cheese, and of course, she made the shrimp slaw from the recipe portion of our site! And what a nice mix of berries for desert.

Of course there were the regular foods, potato salad, baked ziti, Wings (breaded and then sauced :( ) and all the deserts you can think of. Because she planned for us, there was no suffering, only enjoying.

Anyhow, I asked Ed to film us so we could do a video introduction to the site (which is now in place). LOOK AT US!.. Then compare us now to the first pictures we posted early on in the photo section of our blog! WOW !!!

I'll be posting much more video in the future.. until then, I'm psyched-up and excited!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new vlog! you both look wonderful!
    You're making me hungry for some shrimp slaw etc.
