Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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The rollercoaster ride....

I didn't get a chance to blog last night, after work I went directly to the gym and had a great workout, but didn't get home until 8:00pm. I was tired and didn't turn on the computer and was in bed within an hour.

It seems the days are going by so fast. I've been good overall, but I had some periods yesterday when I just felt 'so-damn-fat'. Well, logically I realize I've lost 60 pounds now (I had an unofficial weigh in the other day and that is where I am at, but officially weighin isn't until next tuesday), and my work clothes are literally 'hanging' off of my body, but sometimes I forget to focus on the immediate successes, and look down and see my belly, or my big thighs, and just get a little 'down'. It isn't lasting, and I know I'm doing VERY WELL, it's just 'reality'. We can't always be 'UP UP UP', really it's a rollercoaster ride. We just have to stay focused and realize the next rise up and exhilarating plunge down is just around the corner. But .... OVERALL, I am feeling better and loving life more every day.


  1. hey, I have those days too....I think we all do. Just know you are never alone...not as long as I live and breathe!! xo

  2. yeah, we all have those days, and I've been having many lately but "this too shall pass" ... my mantra :)
