Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Just Plain Ol' Sleepy...

I want to be back in my bed today. Not feeling well at all. I think the stress and work finally caught up to me. I had a party to go to yesterday at a restaurant and basically it was very relaxing for me, so I don't really understand it, but I am tired and my stomach seems to be on the blink. That's all I will say about that!

I am so glad Don has decided to video blog, he looks so amazing, so different, so good. He looks even more amazing in person, but you can really see the loss when he speaks, because his face and neck are so much thinner, it's just nothing short of astonishing!! Me?...I don't like the way I speak on camera, my voice, facial expressions...etc., so I don't think I will be doing much of that, but great idea, Don!!

I'm getting a little frustrated at the length of time it's taking to get this weight off, but there is nothing and no one that is going to stop this girl from succeeding. I just feel like my body doesn't match my mind set, ya know?.......I think like a thin person, want to move like a thin person...etc. but I'm still so far from my goal.

10 at a time......right? Yes....let's take it slow and savor every loss.

I think I will put myself to bed early tonight and hope I feel better in the morning. G'night all.


  1. Honey... Sorry you're not at your best today. Rest and feel better. Understand that we WILL get to our goal, and in the mean time we will celebrate each success along the way, and allow that to sustain us!

  2. I hit the wall occasionally - sometimes we just get tired, this diet and new exercise routines on top of everyday lives and stresses (and you have some extra hard stresses too), can take its toll. Hopefully a wee rest will do you the world of good!

  3. PS: you both look great in your video!
