Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..



Hi all....

Finally a day to just put my feet up and relax. I knew that my work schedule would be pretty hectic this summer, but woooh.. I didn't realize it would take this much out of me. Today, Ed had to work and I was at home and awaiting the arrival of his birthday present (the new iPhone 3Gs) which was going to be delivered. Since I couldn't leave, I decided to have breakfast and just relax and pamper myself a bit.

I started by watching the movie 'The curious life of Benjamin Button', which was great. After that I played some 'American Idol' and 'Guitar Hero' on the Wii, which was so fun and took me far away from all the hectic things I've been dealing with. The phone came around noon. I took an afternoon nap (really on of my most favorite things to do, which I don't do much anymore), and then Ed and I went out to diner. We've been watching TV since we got back. All in all.. just a really stress-free, decompressing, relaxing day.

Tomorrow we are going to meet Peggy and her husband and get together with some friends of ours who are up from Florida and then go from there to a Birthday celebration for one of Ed's aunts. Sunday, I plan to go to the gym, shop for food and grill up some chicken so that I have some to eat during next week.

I find I am thinking more and more about what to eat and how to plan for my busy weeks, to allow me to say the course and stay on plan. I feel great, can't wait to see my friends, and plan to enjoy every bit of this weekend.

And, by the way.. SUNNY GIRL... you look great. I checked out your new picture tonight... you are beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Nice!!! You're getting out and having good times...memories made, cuz!! That's what it's all about...not what we're eating, dontcha love it!! Say hello to Peggy for me and give her a big hug!

    Thanks for the compliment, but Im a long way from Beautiful....can't wait to see you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ED!! XOXO
