Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Salty Sunflower Seeds...

I just unofficially weighed myself and haven't lost a pound. Not one!

I'm thinking I am holding onto some unwanted water due to sunflower seeds with plenty of salt that I consume at night while reading my Koontz books.

Obviously, I'm not happy today. I knew something was happening because my ankle is hurting again (a sure sign of water-weight gain) and the ring on my finger doesn't fit as it used to, so my unhappiness is my own fault.

I'm backing away from the sunflower seeds...and now we will see if indeed that's the culprit!

I'll keep you posted.


  1. awww, sunny bunny ... don't fret :) maybe get the saltless seeds, they are just as tasty!

  2. Throw em out! You can do it without them. Munch on Pork Rinds!

  3. Evil! That's what these little boogers are! Because you just can't eat 1 or 200 of them!! I can eat a gazillon of these little things in record time & not even know I've eaten that many! I agree with Don - get you some pork rinds - heat them up a tad in the oven - makes 'em tastier!
