Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..



Sunny's 'Stars' blog really got me thinking about where we are on our journey and what we can do to remain focused and successful (as we are now)!

We need to set our goals and measure our success in increments. This means setting realistic goals for both the long and short term. We both have mentioned in many of our blogs how it seems like it will take forever to reach our goals, but really, we have already reached our goal. As Sunny expressed in her WONDERFUL blog 'Stars', we have already changed, we are learning and growing.

We should set 5 pound achievements, 10 pound successes, 50 pound milestones and finally the ultimate final goal weight. So, at last weigh-in, if we use this 'success measurement' standard the following achievements have already been met:

Sunny Girl at 41 pounds lost has lost 5 pound increments 8 times, 10 pound increments 4 times and is almost to her first 50 POUND MILESTONE!!

Myself, at 52 pounds lost have lost 5 pound increments 10 times, 10 pound increments 5 times and successfully reached my first 50 POUND MILESTONE!!!

When we look at what we have accomplished in this manner we can stay encouraged, realize we are doing VERY WELL, and can see that we are well on our way.

It's all about increments and perspectives. I am so proud of both of us!

Check out the VIDEO BLOG page. I did a new VB today!


  1. Great Blog...annnnd, I love hearing the 50 lbs. just makes me giddy!

  2. That is so wonderful! Congrats to both of you! 50lbs gone is AWESOME!

  3. Yeah, little weight goals are very encouraging - I like to include little fun-exercise ones as well, little activity challenges that I enjoy really.

    Here in the UK we think in stones and pounds (a stone is 14 lbs for some reason), so I like to break my goals down into 7s, lol, but don't blog them as I know they would be confusing to the US readers!

    Mind you, I can hardly wait to lose a whole 50lbs (sigh).

    You are both doing brilliantly!
