Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Inspiring ourselves, and inspiring others...

Today was a great day. I had a co-worker today tell me that I have inspired her to start her own weight loss journey. She is doing a different plan, but the point is, she is inspired to change herself for the better.

I think that Sunny and I are examples of what determination and dedication can achieve. We are loosing the weight, have dropped the 'ball and chain' of dependance on food. We have stuck to our guns, in all kinds of 'threatening' situations, and are being successful. Others around us see our new energy, our pride in accomplishment, our physical changes, and they can't help but be inspired. I'm so happy that we are doing this, together, and we can be an example to others.

Today was a great day... I feel inspired.


  1. This blog is what makes the journey worth the the speed bumps.

  2. Don I sure love your positivity! That in turn inspires me! Glad to hear you are having a great day!

  3. PS.. I love your new.. thinner.. SUNNY GIRL picture in the left sidebar!

  4. Wow I got to look at you guys pictures and I am so impressed. You Both look so wonderful..Congrats for sure!!! Great job! Thanks so much Don for stopping by this morning and giving words of encouragement. I can't explain it but it has become my passion as I know {encluding myself} it has been such a strong hold in so many peoples life. It has robbed many years of joy. That old saying "Today is the begining of the rest of your Life"..I truly believe that.
    May God bless you real good! I am happy for you and Sunny being an inpiration to so many.
    Happy Sunday,
    PS My Puppy thanks you..LOL He got a haircut recently so he looks different than normal. Will have to show you guys a new picture with all his coat..
