Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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All the dough in the world ....

.... won't make me loose a single pound, unless I ignore every bit of it. I went to dinner tonight with Ed at Bertucci's (a local Italian Restaurant) and what I used to love most about the place was the hot bread 'balls' they bring to the table with lots of butter. We were deciding where to go to dinner and Ed said, 'nah.. let's not go there.. the bread there would be too much of a temptation', and at first I agreed with him, and we had decided to go to Charlie Brown's instead. Both places are in the same parking lot, and as we were pulling in and were in front of Charlie Browns, Ed saw Berticci's and said in a desperately hungry voice 'mmmmmm... Bertucci's'... so I just drove right past Charlie Browns.

It was a good exercise in commitment and control for me. They brought the bread to the table... I smelled it, felt it (it was cold, so I asked the waitress to bring some hot out of the oven), and then watched Ed eat it. I didn't drop dead, I didn't faint cold away, I just endured, thought about why I shouldn't be eating it, and focused on my salad. I love when I can put into practice some of the things I've been writing about in this BLOG!


  1. all I have to say is YES!!!!!!!!!

  2. more thing.....That was a very unselfish thing you did. You are truly one in a million!

  3. Well done Don, that is so hard and something I struggle with too - I totally love fresh bread - argh!

  4. Thanks, FFM. The temptation will always be great for me. I am a baker's son, and learned to love all things dough from a very early age.

  5. You tested yourself - and you aced it buddy! Good job! Evey now and then we need to push ourselves outside our comfort zones to make sure what we are doing is working. There is bread in the world outside and you have learned to deal with that. Keep up the good work!
