Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


A good time with good friends...

So we had a very busy day today. We drove to Absecon NJ to meet with our friends Peggy (in this photo with me) and Ray, Jane and Ed. It was about a 2 hour drive to meet them, in the rain (as Sunny said in her blog... please go away, rain). We all met and Ed and Jane's 'vacation condo', which was absolutely lovely. We haven't seen Ed and Jane since we cruised with them through the Mediterranean a few years ago.

We were greeted immediately with smiles and warmth. We have a special 'bond' with these two couples, all cruise lovers, all disney lovers, all dynamic couples, and it seemed like we were just together a few days ago and not time had passed. It was great. I shared my new journey and they listened, shared thoughts and lent their support. They will be visiting the blog as soon as they have time after their return from Florida!

Peggy and Ray gave me this recipe book for my 'Ron Popeil' Rotisserie grill which I have mentioned several times here in this blog. It's full of all kinds of ideas on how to use the rotisserie. I can't wait to use it.

So, I shared a lot about my journey. I was touched when my friend, Ed said to me, 'Don, if you feel you're going to slip, just give me a call!' and he also said, 'Don, maybe you'll inspire me to take off the weight I need to loose'. I can't even begin to tell you how much those statements meant to me. I feel blessed that I have people around me that are so willing to embrace what Sunny and I are doing here, and so proud that I can actually inspire hope and action in others.


  1. Great day, great visit, great friends - you look GREAT!!! Thanks for driving to see us. It was like old times in your deluxe stateroom. I was so impressed with your new eating habits and food choices. You sure have come a long way, no wonder you are 50+ pounds smaller and shrinking. XOXO to you and Ed (and HB to Ed). Peggy

  2. Thanks Peggy! It was wonderful. Thank you so much for the book, and for the positive, supportive, loving you that you are. By the way, you look great too, and have lost some weight since last we were together...WAY TO GO!!!

  3. Wow, so nice to see Peggy!! Sounds like you had a winner of a day in spite of the rain, I'm so glad!! What amazing friends you have...the support and good wishes are so wonderful for you to have....I know it means a lot to you and the fact that Peggy gives her support to me as well, is priceless!
