Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Don't focus on the rain...

....focus on the rainbows.... I know it's a bit cliche, but, the weather can really effect our moods. Rainy days can lead to depression, I know I hate to be stuck out in the rain. I wish it would stop, I have to get into my yard and cut before the grass is up to my knees! Plus, I actually look forward to the exercise of mowing (I wouldn't have believed this a year ago!). The rainbow here is that I am actually WANTING to get out and do the yard!! The moral is, always try to find a positive in any situation.

I'm feeling good. I have kept to my commitment of going to the gym every other day for 2 weeks now... it's starting to just become 'part of the routine', which is a good thing.

I weighed myself the other day and have lost more, but will not publish how much until the next official weigh in date (Monday 15 June), it's just very inspiring to see the progress, for both myself, and Sunny (psssst.. she's lost too! and is very happy!!!). I know we wrote early in the blog about weight only being a number, and that is soooo true, but really, at the same time, it is a mark of progress, and we like seeing that needle go down, whether a little or a lot!

I plan to do a video blog later today.. so stay tuned.


  1. so there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

  2. Soon the gym thing will become something your body craves - woo-hoo!

    Looking forward to the official weigh-in results - tease!

  3. loved this blog....i love how we've taken to this weight loss thing, don't you? ;)
