Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Prime Time

Tomorrow is officially weigh in day for Don and me and I am not going to have anything positive to report, of this I am sure. I've not had anything I shouldn't have, I've simply had too much of the things I can have, which can be just as bad for us.

I overdid the salted sunflower seeds and fruit and I'm paying for it. Summer was always a bad time to diet for me because of the potato salads and baked beans, and all other assorted carbs. Now that my outlook is totally different and I don't eat things I can't have, I seem to want to overindulge in the few things that are lowest in carbs but become higher when over eaten....Last night for instance, instead of stopping at one spoon full or 1/4 cup of strawberries, I added about 6 large ones to 1/4 cup of blueberries and then had a few chunks of watermelon too! It's just too much sugar for the amount of protein I had....we all know sugar is turned to starch in our bodies and this is the worst thing I can do at this point.

**Deep Breath**.....Sooooooo, What I need to do now is truly get back to basics and stop eating the sugar, period. I've decided to stick with sugar free jello and whipped topping for my desserts, I never tire of it and as long as I don't bring the kinds of fruits I like into the house...I can keep on track with the weight loss.
This is not maintenance afterall, this is the prime weight loss time. I must keep repeating that to myself!!

Wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday!
Happy Real Birthday, Ed!!!


  1. Oh boy do I totally understand what you are going thru Sunny!! I was nodding along in agreement the whole post! One one hand we want so much to have success, but on the other, old habits & old favorites are not easily forgotten or put aside. It's like trying to fall out of love in an instant.

    Hang in the kiddo, I'm right there with you on this journey! We'll get there, might not be tomorrow, but we'll get there!

  2. The important thing is to recognize where behaviors need to be modified and then do the work it takes to get back on the road. I KNOW you can do this, look what you've already accomplished. Don't let a piece of fruit or a nut stand between you and your goal.

    I love you SUNNY and am looking forward to seeing you on Friday and doing some exercises together in your pool.

  3. Hi again Don, the recipe for the stuffed poblano chiles can be found at the link below. I just wrote a post about my fav recipe resources too!

    For the poblano recipe, I forgot to add the Splenda & it turned out fabulous, so I'll probably not ever add the Splenda.

