Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Strength for a friend

I had a good day today, on plan with no slip-ups. All day I've been feeling 'kind-a-fat', which I know is something I just have to 'get over'. I am still heavy, and will be for quite a while, but I'm progressing in the right direction. No matter how 'positive' I feel about my changes, occasionally those things that I miss, that I have loved for so long in my life, creep in and try to mess with my mind. I am dedicated to keeping focused, though, and not letting those things (foods) knock me off track, because I AM IN CONTROL!

Having said that, I want the rest of this blog to be dedicated to supporting Sunny Girl. She is going through a family emergency right now that, I am sure, is putting an enormous amount of stress on her. I think it's probably the first time she is really being 'tested' to handle stress without resorting to old eating habits. Sunny, we love you, are praying for you.. and know you can handle anything. Look what you have accomplished, how much your life has changed because of your decisions. Stay focused, through the stressful time. I know you can do it!~


  1. Don, its only normal to be tried but you're staying focused on the right things :)

    Sunny, keeping you & the family in my thoughts & prayers.

  2. It is a trying time, but my eye is on the road and I'm staying true to myself. Thanks for the support. I love you both!
