Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Milestone Day

I had SUCH a day today (at work). I know lately I've been harping on work, but really... during the week I spend more time awake there than home. It's such a big part of my week. I love my job, and I love feeling 'needed', but, hey.. give a guy a break and let me come up for AIR...

What is good about this though, is I am not reverting to old, bad eating habits when under stress. I don't even think about food.. I just dig in and 'get it done'. It's grueling, it's demanding, but... it proves that I have made it past the 'dependance on food' part.

I thought about this on the way home from work. Tonight, my partner had to work late, probably not even home before I get into bed for the night. Before I made up my mind to change my life, I would have probably stopped at someplace like 'Taco Bell' and got WAY TO MUCH to eat, then probably stopped by Dunkin-donuts to get something sweet to boot. (YES.. Sometimes I was a closet over-eater). The old behavior flew through my mind, while I was driving home, but instead of giving in to it, I gave in to the realization that I don't need to do that anymore. I'm stressed, but I'm ok.... WHAT A HUGE REVELATION! What a Milestone Day!

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