Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Lighter in my loafers...

... those of you that know me.. don't smirk! Yes, I am a little lighter in my loafers these days, as a matter of fact, until recently, my feet were so swollen that I couldn't fit into my loafers!

I had a very good day today. Very focused, very busy... I was full of energy all day. I am so psyched about Sunny Girl and my progress. We are both strong, and just as committed as the first day we began. We are not in jeopardy of 'falling off the wagon' as we have both done SO MANY TIMES before.

I was sharing with a co-worker and good friend at work today about the success of my last weigh-in. I realized how much it means to me to be 'out' of the diet 'closet' and talking about my journey. This, more than anything else, I think, has helped to kept us both on track. As I told him, we are accountable to more than just ourselves. The 'publickness' (yeah, I know.. not really a word.. but you get my meaning), of what we are doing keeps us focused. We know we are reading each others blogs, and that our village mates are as well. We have 'pride' (deserved pride) in boasting of our successes, we feel free to speak of our fears without worry of judgement, we know that our friends will cheer us, suggest, and know we are all a 'team' with one goal.. our success!

Yes, I'm lighter in my loafers.. I'm proud of that fact.. and I thank you all!


  1. Support is so important. Navigate to the positive supporters and stay clear of negative people. Going public is such a change for you regarding your diet. You may want to document your physical limitations at your starting weight (privately or in your blog) before you forget. It sounds like you are gaining physical strength every day. Weight goes down, energy goes up. Opportunities to do more increase. Your limitations will melt away as you continue on your journey. Keep going and never look back except to remind yourself how far you have come.

  2. the pride oozes out of you don :) you are focused and doing great!!! way to go!!!

  3. You said a mouthful Peggy! I don't think I'll ever forget my limitations, they are a large part of what motivates me. I have been living with them for so long. As you well know, over the past few years it has only gotten worse. BUT NOW.. day by day, it's getting better and better, and I'm more and more mobile, enthused and excited... I'm on a roller coaster which is whizzing around the tracks and I'm enjoying the ride! FINALLY. It will only get better and better.. Thanks for your thoughtful comments!
