Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Continued Inspiration...

First.. sorry for not blogging yesterday. I honestly just didn't get to it. I was so tired when I got home I just collapsed in my recliner and zoned out for the rest of the evening. I had a good day yesterday and stayed 100 percent on plan.

Now, to the inspiration. I am inspired by Sunny Girl. Her blog today about her successful loss is so RIGHT ON, both in attitude and wisdom. She will not let anything undermine her success, and, A LOSS is A LOSS.

We are both going to have good weeks and some so-so weeks, but... in the end, we will both get there!

Keep inspiring me, Sunny Girl! You're the greatest.


  1. failed to mention YOUR incredible loss today!!!?? You are amazing and successful, true to yourself and dedicated to this journey...THAT is inspiring to ME!

