Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..



Yes, today is weigh-in day!! I weighed in and lost 2 lbs. You might think that got me down, NO WAY!!! In the past, this would have been a sure way of making me dive down into the "let's binge" mode, ohh heck no, not this time! This time I am dedicated to myself. This time I am empowered to work harder, exercise more and MAKE THE CHANGE HAPPEN!! I will NOT sabotage myself. I am no longer a prisoner of the plastic box with the numbers. In fact, I adore that box, it moves in the direction I want it to. I am in control.

I feel good knowing that it's still coming off...2 lbs. is 2 lbs, as one of our "followers" said, "Pick up a lb. of butter and feel the weight of it." I've done that, it works. In fact, when I think about it, when evenly distributed, that's ounces of fat off of every inch of my body, better than gaining or loss of control, aye?

My clothes don't lie. I'm wearing pants with a button and zipper now :-D that's a HUGE improvement over the old lady, elastic-waist-band pants which slide down my ever slimming hips and I couldn't be happier! I've gone down 2 sizes in my tops and pants and I can see a shopping day (if i squint) on the horizon.

Let's hear it for 2 lbs, not losing control, never losing faith in myself and pushing forward, flying, soaring!!


  1. You are amazing, inspiring, insightful and SUCCESSFUL... Congratulations on the loss! Every loss is a good loss and a step in the right direction!

  2. you are doing fabulous sunny!!! you're flying like an eagle!!!
