Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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The Man in the Mirror...

Mirrors have been a problem for me for years. We have a full length mirror in our bedroom on our 'tall boy' dresser. When I sit on the edge of the bed, I can see myself in it (side profile).

I stopped looking in the mirror, quite subconsciously. I guess I knew that I didn't what to see what was there. Today, I was putting on my shoes, and looked in the mirror, and was so disgusted with what I did see. No joke, I thought I was looking at Jaba the Hut.

I know that I've made progress and I feel great about that. I know that my body is changing for the better. What I don't know, is why I ever let my body get this far out of shape. Part of making all of these changes is to try to come to terms with what it was that took me from there (normal) to here (fat fat fatty fat).

I am going to be giving this a lot of thought, and blogging about it in the near future. I want to resolve the issues so that when I reach my goal weight, I don't just balloon back up again, like I have done so many times before.

I want my self-image to improve! I want to finally look in the mirror and say, 'Hey I know him.. that's ME!'.


  1. I have too much to say on this subject, so I blogged...see "Forward."

  2. The Past is the past and we can't undo it..but we can learn from it so that the Present,aka the "Gift", can help us prepare for the journey towards the Future.
    Don and Sunny your Bright Future is ahead of you with all the good you'll be bringing with you!
    Love to Both,Galpal

  3. You Guys are way too hard on yourselves! I think you're doing a fantastic job !Sometimes things around you look Dark and Gim but the of the light ahead.Enjoy a walk with favorite tunes in your ear.Whether slow or fast walk,let the sun hit you feel the sweat and challenge yourself!This time of year is hard to stick to anything especially for our gatherings!This many sound corny but I think about the story of The Footprint in the Sand.A man had very sad and hard times in his life and was walking on the beach,,only saw one set of footprints .He asked the Lord" Why did you leave me when I needed you the most?"The Lord replied"During your times of Trial,when you see only one set of footprints,it was then that I carried You" You are not walking alone !
