Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


I really tried.. really.. .to STOP MYSELF... but ....

I did, i tried to stop myself, but I just couldn't help it. I was so tired, such a long day with working and then going to the gym... I was so worn down.. and .. well... I... I... I tried to not blog, but I just couldn't stop myself.

Really, I am so tired, and for the last half hour or so I was thinking, should I turn on the computer, or not... then this funny (all be it misleading) blog title popped into my head, and I couldn't pass it up! So.. a dedicated low-carber I am, but also a dedicated blogger...

Great day on plan and with exercise.. successful! YES! A friend at the gym was telling me his wife does hypnosis to help people (quit smoking, dieting, etc..) and he said, they have to really want to change, his wife would ask the client .. on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you want to change. For the hypnosis to work, in her opinion, they needed to be at least a 5 or 6. I told him.. well, I'm about 3 months in now and I'd say I'm about an 11.. :) That's how I feel!

Good night all!~


  1. OMG!!! I got soooo scared when I read the first part....don't do that to me!!! LOL

    Too cute...this was just sweet!!
    p.s. You've always been an 11 on a scale of one to ten! ;)

  2. hahaha, you fooled us at the beginning but a very happy ending mister 11!!!

  3. You had me going! I can hardly wait to see your next pictures. You will always be an "11" to me! Peggy
