Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Slow, but steady... wins the race..

I think the cartoon pretty much sums it up...

Hi all. I love long weekends!~

Today is THE DAY.. a MOMENTOUS DAY... It's the day that I publicly commit, finally, to now include exercise in this new path that I am on. I hesitated at the beginning because I have problems with my hips, knees and ankles. BUT... I am just going to start slow, and increase increments and time as my body will allow.

SO... I feel great.. it's like how I felt when I decided to start this, and how I felt when I saw I was succeeding. This, for me, is really the last hurdle. I have 'been released' from the recliner weeks ago and have been more active, but committing to exercising is THE step, THE FINAL STEP, that is going to bring all of this together. The weight will 'melt like butta'. Exercise is essential!

So here is my commitment. I will accomplish some sort of exercise, at the beginning of this, at least 4 days a week. I am starting with walking around the track and swimming / stretching in the pool at my gym. Then a good steam in the steam room to reward and sooth my body!

This morning I went out with Ed and got all the stuff I needed, a gym bag, a couple of swim suites, a lock, some 'BIG BOY' towels, and other essentials. Then I came home, packed my bag and headed for 'Balleys Total Fitness' at the Oxford Valley Mall. I've had a membership there for almost 20 years now (since 1990). I put on my iPod shuffle, put on my DISCO MIX and was able to walk around the track at a good pace for 15 minutes before I had to stop. Then I changed, got in the pool and exercised in there for 30 minutes, doing laps , running in place and stretching. After all that I went into the steam room. I was at the gym a total of 2 hours, and I FEEL GREAT.. TIRED, yes, but GREAT!

I will go again on Monday. I will gradually increase the time around the track and in the pool.
As soon as I can do continuous laps in the pool, I'll start logging them. I plan to log my exercise with my meals on the 'Meals Page'.

So, all in all.. Great Day! Great choices, and another LIFE CHANGE!


  1. fantastic commitment don! just don't forget to take the iPod off before you go in the pool *giggles*

  2. sounds to me like you are waaay ahead in this journey....excersise is the key to pushing forth the weight loss and I can't wait until I can join you, take it slow, as you said and the lbs will be shedding like perspiration!!

  3. I loved the cartoon, definitely showing that to Ray! I also laughed at your comment about your 20 year membership to the gym, they love members like you - I bet they were surprised to see you at the gym! You have probably gone on and off all those years, wait until they see you there 4+ times a week! Make sure to post a copy of your "first" pictures in your locker to see each time you go for encouragement. Exercising is a huge step. DO NOT OVER DO!!! This will move your weight loss along nicely (as well as help mood, sleep and mental clarity). Just remember as you build muscle, muscle weighs more than fat. That is why measurements are vital to see your progress. You go. Peggy
