Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Getting up and getting out...

I feel really great today. I was up at 5:00 a.m. and by 7:00 a.m. I had a oven roaster chicken on the Ron Popiel 'Set-it and forget-it' rotisserie grill. It was a biggie and cooked until 9:00 a.m. We had half of it for dinner and the other half will be a meal this week. I did some busy work and made chicken salad (from canned chicken breast) and served it over salad greens for lunch.

After lunch I got out and did several things around town that 'needed-doin..'. I was home by 4:00 p.m. I had time in the afternoon to relax and have a great dinner. Now... the thing is.. in the past, my weekends would be mostly spent 'in the recliner'. I was so exhausted just from moving around I had no energy to do anything. Today, as I was walking out of 'Sam's Club' I thought to myself.. OMG.. I'm out and about.. and moving around.. and NOT SUFFERING... ;)

A definite sign of progress! I'm thrilled!

Constant readers, thank you for hanging in there with Sunny Girl and I. I'm so glad that you have chosen to share in our journey. It means the world to us!


  1. Don and Sunny, BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO !!!!!
    This past week has been so hectic I have not been able to get to your blog and I must admit I have missed keeping up on a daily basis as both inspire me so with your words and actions and commitment to your goal.I may not have the chance to "chat" each day but for sure you are both in my thoughts.
    Hugs to you both, Galpal

  2. Getting out and not feeling it is big progress!! Take baby steps but add to your daily routine (i.e. move your parking spot further from the building each day, walk to the street and back before getting in the car to go to work). By tweaking your exercise a notch every day, you increase your metabolism and burn more calories (i.e. while sitting at your desk, while driving to work). You go!!!! I am so proud of you. Peggy

  3. We spoke yesterday, so I knew this is what you were doing, out and about is a great thing and I am so glad you decided not to veg on that recliner anymore!!! Being part of life instead of wishing you's all in the choices we make! I feel so proud and priveleged to be a witness to your change!!

  4. Don, how AMAZING you are! Out of the recliner and out into the world -- how marvelous! Hearing that you are feeling so good makes me smile all over! I am proud of both you and Sunny Girl. Keep it up! YOU CAN DO IT!

  5. Thank you everyone. Peg, I have been adding exercise in small increments and plan to start swimming at the gym soon. My hips and knees will withstand that! Thanks for the comments and support all!
