Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Keep Your Cannoli!!

Yesterday was spent giving a party for my 16 yr. old son, it was a very hectic day. As the day progressed, preparation and planning gave way to fun and laughter. Through it all, I felt like I can do anything, in spite of my ankle, which hurts like hell, I had a great time.

There was pizza and hoagies and chicken wings and salad. Of course I had the chicken wings (parm and garlic... mmmm) and salad. Not one thing that is not on our plan went even close to my lips. The scale doesn't reflect it but, it shows in the way my clothes fit. Is my body changing?....Probably. It's the only thing I can think of. Don told me that someone (not sure whom) said we should measure ourselves as well as weigh, I think this is a great idea and plan to do it at the next weigh-in on the 1st of June. Maybe then I can see results in inches instead of pounds. I was wearing pants that were a size 26-28 when we began the journey! I am now going into a size 18-20, amazing!!

Yes, we are challenged every day, parties, meetings, dinners out on the town and it's not easy preparing for meals all the time, most of what we eat must be cooked and that's another challenge, especially for Don who doesn't always have the convenience of being close to his kitchen during the week. But we press on making the right choices, we're not deterred by an uncooperative scale or people who think that sabotage is funny....(I had someone pass a cannoli under my nose the other night)'s all good though because our resolve is getting us through.
We are strong...steadfast and loyal to ourselves to the very end.

We are more determined than ever!!!

p.s. I don't even like cannoli's ;)


  1. How CRUEL spirited it was for that person to wave a cannoli under your nose! That person ought to be horse-whipped! He/she obviously doesn't understand how difficult it is for a person to change years of poor eating habits. I COMMEND you for your determination, loyalty, and stick-to-it-ness, Sunny Girl! Keep going! YOU CAN DO IT!

  2. it was kinda cruel...but she's skinny....skinny people are usually not that bright when it comes to matters of dieting/weight loss. *smile*

    Geri, not only Can I do it...I WILL DO IT!! :)

  3. You go girl... THe strength exudes from you! Yes, it was tasteless for 'miss/mr... thin' to wag that cannoli in your face, but think.. you can wag your weight loss, success, pride, confidence and all the rest right back!

  4. BTW.. it was my friend Peggy who recommended measuring.. and I plan to start next weigh-in as well. I'll add the measurement columns to our weight table. with columns for: neck, chest-upper, waist-at largest measurement, thighs and calves. We'll find out where those inches are going.

  5. Wow! That size change in your pants is amazing. You are doing something right. I also have to applaud your tenacity and perseverance by sticking to your meal plan. SunnyGirl, may God bless you and keep you strong on your journey. Peggy

  6. Belated happy birthday Frankie!!! you are the incredible shrinking women Sunny! you are awesomeness in a box ... erm ... a box of protein :P and who needs cannoli!!!

  7. Thanks Don, and God Bless Peggy's suggestion, maybe now I will some results!

    Thanks to Peggy too, now if I could only lose the stomach!! ;)

    Butterflies, you are a sweetheart!! In answer to your question/comment?....NOT ME!!
