Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


I Don't Know Why....

....but I was so sick yesterday, no amount of the pink stuff could make me feel better!
I have the same thing to eat basically every morning, so I'm not sure what caused it, but all of a sudden, I was dizzy, weak and so sick to my stomach, I could barely breathe!

I'm still not 100% and feel a little weak from expending everything within me (one way or another)..........YUCK! And I couldn't eat today until dinner because I was still full from finally eating something at 10 o'clock last night! Chicken wings weren't the best choice to make, but it's what I had available. But hey, I'm in my size 16 capri's today :-D and I am one very happy woman because of it! It's not easy feeling like I should be thinner than I am, (I know Don feels this too) but I know we're getting where we want to be and that's all that matters to us. We're not giving up, not giving in to temptation and this journey will see us both succeed!! Here's to a healthy, happy us!!!


  1. OH HONEY.. i hope you feel better soon! Did you eat some bad eggs? Your symptoms sound a little like food poisoning.

  2. awwwwwwww sunny :( maybe its stress with everything you're going through? can't be easy! feel better soon xoxo
