Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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A Heart to Heart

I've been thinking about our hearts a lot today. The heart is a vital organ of course, but in the spiritual sense, it's much more than that. We've all heard, "from the bottom of my heart" or "I love you with all my heart" and "heartfelt thanks"... it's the force of life, the center of it all. I mean, no one says...I love you with all my liver! The heart is constantly pumping life with blood to all the rest of our organs, our bodies and it's because of this fact that we exercise it, we make it stronger by using it.

Well, it's been my recent experience that when we love with our hearts, and we give all we can...I believe our hearts become stronger, like a sort of spiritual workout. To love with all our hearts, to give with it....being generous with our time or showing someone a little extra care, not only makes our hearts flourish but it can be catchy too! I've seen this, and if you pay attention, you will as well.

Well, here's the tie-in with the whole weight issue.....When we're feeling joy from giving to others, being kind, caring for someone, smiling instead of frowning all the time, it makes us FEEL better.

When we feel better about ourselves, we are more confident and less likely to overeat. But we have to feel the joy that comes from exercising the heart in a spiritual way.

I am learning to feel more, is what I'm saying. I am using my empathy skills more, I am cultivating my spirit and it is having a direct affect on how I treat my body. I am respecting it by giving it what it needs instead of stuffing feelings down and stuffing my face up. I used to live well and do the right thing, tried my best to be a good person and exercised my heart, without even thinking of how good it could actually make me feel, if I let it!

Fat and jolly is for Santa, folks! Have you ever really met a person who's lost a lot of weight and they say they were happier as a fat person? I haven't! I am learning that being a kind, caring, giving person and paying attention to how it makes me helping me to stay the course!

I truly hope this makes some sense to someone other than myself :)


  1. This really is the best blog you've ever done. Your writing is superb! Your thoughts are so right on! The heart must be the center, both for ourselves and for everything we do.


  2. Coming from you, cuz, I consider that high praise, thanks!! :)

  3. ya know ms. sunny, you amaze me! i wish i could express my feelings in writing like you. you speak to my heart & soul bella. love you!

  4. yeah, of course, we can still be the loving, nurturing people we were before we lost the weight. Nothing will change inside, but also we will be free of the worry of what our fat is doing to our hearts (and other organs), so we can be more open and enjoy life more.

    Great post!

    (Fat and jolly is for Santa, lol!)
