Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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New Day..New Body!!

Well, I was out all day today and tonight and when I got back, I had no internet. Who knows why, but here I am finally. I had a great day today, spent it with Gina and had a blast! The whether has been beautiful and it feels so good to shed the sweater and scarves. Just a week ago I was saying i missed them, and I did, I missed the comfort of hiding behind, not so much.

I'm actually beginning to enjoy my new's very user friendly, it allows me to bend more and walk without needing an oxygen tank!! I like that I can see my feet without feeling like I will fall on my face too! ;) And to think it will only GET BETTER!!

2 more days to weigh in and you know what?....I really don't care what that scale will say, I feel mahvelous!!! xo


  1. wait until the pool is open & we all can go skinny-dipping!! *giggles*

  2. more like chunky
