Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


I think.. therefore I am....

I had another good (and busy day today). I was talking to another co-worker today, someone who just started. She saw some pictures of me in a calendar in my workspace which Ed made for me and gave to me for Christmas last year. She asked... Who's that with Ed? WOW... who is that indeed. It's sure not me.. ANYMORE!

Peggy mentioned in her blog comment to me that she was astounded at the 180 degree turn-around she has seen in my attitude about food. She's absolutely right.. you see, she and I have been on cruises together, where the food abounds (as do the appetites) and has seen me go through 3 plates of food in a seating. The transformation took place for me ON THIS BLOG.. as I slowly resolved that my past behaviors and attitudes got me to where I am, and I realized if I want to continue living, I have to make a change. Once that 'clicked' in my mind, I had no choice but to change my perspective. I tried to constantly think about why I am doing this, what the benefits will be, how much happier I will be and how much easier my life will be.

I am a firm believer in the power of positive thinking.. and along those lines, I have adopted the attitude, I THINK, THEREFORE I AM~


  1. Don,

    I want to thank you for allowing me to be a member of your blog and to read you and Sunny Girl's journey down the road to success. You both have a great attitude and determination in reaching you target weight lose. I know your goals will be reached. Remember the three "Ds" in any goal you may want to achieve. They are Dedication, Determination and Desire. You both have that! Thanks again my friend, Chuck

  2. Thanks for visiting us, Chuck. Sunny and I are definitely Dedicated, Determined and have the Desire to succeed. Thank you for putting it so eloquently.

  3. There's another D I would include. DECIDE. That's the first step. Deciding to make healthy choices and making healthy habits. You are obviously past that step already. Awesome attitude adjustment!

  4. Thanks Chuck, I like that...the three D's I mean, very cool.

    Mama Bear, Awesome indeed, should have seen us on the cruise in March, we were two very different people then though and sitting in that airport, I knew our lives were going to change forever. I'll save it for another post sometime, but it was very moving. It was motivating as well and we're so much better for having finally seen the light! Thank you both for your comments :)
