Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Another day in the life...

Today was just another ordinary, extraordinary day. Each day on this journey that I have success is a blessing. I worked hard at a job I love, I didn't think about what I was going to eat next, every minute, like I used to do. You see, I don't live to eat anymore... I know this sounds cliche, but I now eat to live. I really don't give a thought to a meal until it's time to eat, no longer slippin-n-sliding in the slobber trail to the table. I have really morphed into a healthier, happier human being.. and I'm so jazzed! I honestly never thought I could successfully make this change. Thank God I came to my senses and decided to makeover the place where food lived in my life. I still love good tasting, fulfilling things, but now, fulfilling doesn't mean stuffed to the gills. It means smart choices and moderation!


  1. You guys are doing an awesome job of making healthy choices! Saw Don's comment on Chubby Chick's blog and came over to visit. Will put you on my list of blogs to follow.

  2. Don, I have to comment on your entry. You have come a long way. You must never lose sight of that quote "no longer slippin-n-sliding in the slobber trail to the table". This is a total 180 for you. I am very impressed. Keep it up. You are going to reach your goal. I am amazed at your transformation. To have changed your attitude towards food is such an accomplishment and almost the entire battle. You have left the road of the life you lived and are on the road to the life you want to live. Peggy

  3. I love that line "no longer slipping...

    It so describes the way it was for us. Even though I ate 1/2 the meal while cooking it, I still did that!

    DID that!

  4. That was me too - it is great to be free of those chains!

    Keep up the great work, Don and Sunny, there is more to life than food (great as it is)!

  5. Thanks for the comments. Mama.. thanks for posting and visiting, please come back often, support from everywhere is welcome and desired.

    Peggy.. my lovely friend... your comment brought tears to my eyes.. I know you know where I was and appreciate where I am and where I am headed! Your support means the world.

    Sunny.. my Sunny... We're DOING IT!

    Fat(Free)Me... we have all made such great choices to change ourselves! Food is great.. but as Sunny always tells me, THIN is better! (Nothing tastes better than Thin Feels!)

  6. *winks at Don* You never forgot that line, I love it!!!
