Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..



Three lbs in four weeks. I am now tempted to begin stuffing my face with chocolate!!! Four weeks!!! Have you read my daily meals????
This makes NO SENSE!

I've not deviated once, I never eat anything I am not supposed to, my pants are fitting better and my sizes have gone down, yet I only lost a pound and some change!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

A philosophy we can all live by...

I heard this this morning and I love it so much. We all need to adopt this philosophy:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery.. but today.. is a gift.

It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day processes of our lives, that we fail to see the bigger picture.

'Yesterday is history'...

We can't change the past, so there is no sense in living there! I know that I have let my past experiences dictate how I act in the present, but not anymore.

'Tomorrow a mystery'...

We never know what will happen tomorrow, but as we are living a life that is moving into the future, we need to consider the future, and realize how what we do in the present effects it.

'Today is a gift'...

Time for us to open our eyes, see what is going on around us in the moment. Breath deep and soak in life, not just busily rush through it into the future! Not to be depressing, but, we never know when our last 'moment' will be. Live without regret and with purpose.

Maybe it's the lack of carbohydrates, but I feel my life is more focused, more true to what I want my future to be. This is my life philosophy. Thank you all for being a part of my life.


Another lazy.. summer day

Nothing in particular to blog about today, except all is well and on plan. I wanted to go exercise today, but Ed and I got busy with stuff around the house and I didn't have time. I will go tomorrow! This will still keep me in the '4 days' a week commitment. I felt good that I was actually a bit 'upset' that I didn't get to go.

We spent the day re-doing our living room. We got a new TV (OMG 55 inch LED TV .. the darn thing is only 1 1/2 inches thick and the HD picture looks so real when you are watching HD content that it seems like you are looking through a window at the actors.... oh, crap.. um... sorry... electronic geek sneaking out of me for a moment). Anyhow we had to put a stand together, move all of our electronic components and the previous cabinet out, so, in a sense, I did get some exercise!

I asked Sunny if she minded me weighing in a day early, because I like to have time to blog about it afterwards so I like to do it on a weekend if possible, so, I will be weighing in tomorrow (Sunday) instead of 1 June.

Good night everyone!

I Don't Know Why....

....but I was so sick yesterday, no amount of the pink stuff could make me feel better!
I have the same thing to eat basically every morning, so I'm not sure what caused it, but all of a sudden, I was dizzy, weak and so sick to my stomach, I could barely breathe!

I'm still not 100% and feel a little weak from expending everything within me (one way or another)..........YUCK! And I couldn't eat today until dinner because I was still full from finally eating something at 10 o'clock last night! Chicken wings weren't the best choice to make, but it's what I had available. But hey, I'm in my size 16 capri's today :-D and I am one very happy woman because of it! It's not easy feeling like I should be thinner than I am, (I know Don feels this too) but I know we're getting where we want to be and that's all that matters to us. We're not giving up, not giving in to temptation and this journey will see us both succeed!! Here's to a healthy, happy us!!!


For the long haul...

Today was another great day. I missed breakfast, which I need to take more care about. I went right into meetings at 7:00am and didn't emerge until almost noon.

I thought a lot today about what Sunny and I are doing. I feel good about how we have both progressed, but really, right now, it's hitting me. Regardless of how we are doing, we have to be in this for 'the long haul'. The amount of weight I have to loose will take a while. I started this at 465 and I want to get down to 210... that is loosing more (MORE) than half of myself.

I can hardly wait to experience what life will be like then, when I reach my final goal. I realize, to keep myself from becoming overwhelmed by the amount of weight I have to loose, I have to set interim goals. I have to celebrate reaching each of these. My first interim goal was to be able to weigh myself on a regular scale, and I have reached that. My next goal is when I transition from 400's to 300's, and I see that goal right around the corner.

So, I am happy, I am focused, I am realistic, I am healthier.... and I am out! Night all!


I really tried.. really.. .to STOP MYSELF... but ....

I did, i tried to stop myself, but I just couldn't help it. I was so tired, such a long day with working and then going to the gym... I was so worn down.. and .. well... I... I... I tried to not blog, but I just couldn't stop myself.

Really, I am so tired, and for the last half hour or so I was thinking, should I turn on the computer, or not... then this funny (all be it misleading) blog title popped into my head, and I couldn't pass it up! So.. a dedicated low-carber I am, but also a dedicated blogger...

Great day on plan and with exercise.. successful! YES! A friend at the gym was telling me his wife does hypnosis to help people (quit smoking, dieting, etc..) and he said, they have to really want to change, his wife would ask the client .. on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you want to change. For the hypnosis to work, in her opinion, they needed to be at least a 5 or 6. I told him.. well, I'm about 3 months in now and I'd say I'm about an 11.. :) That's how I feel!

Good night all!~

A Heart to Heart

I've been thinking about our hearts a lot today. The heart is a vital organ of course, but in the spiritual sense, it's much more than that. We've all heard, "from the bottom of my heart" or "I love you with all my heart" and "heartfelt thanks"... it's the force of life, the center of it all. I mean, no one says...I love you with all my liver! The heart is constantly pumping life with blood to all the rest of our organs, our bodies and it's because of this fact that we exercise it, we make it stronger by using it.

Well, it's been my recent experience that when we love with our hearts, and we give all we can...I believe our hearts become stronger, like a sort of spiritual workout. To love with all our hearts, to give with it....being generous with our time or showing someone a little extra care, not only makes our hearts flourish but it can be catchy too! I've seen this, and if you pay attention, you will as well.

Well, here's the tie-in with the whole weight issue.....When we're feeling joy from giving to others, being kind, caring for someone, smiling instead of frowning all the time, it makes us FEEL better.

When we feel better about ourselves, we are more confident and less likely to overeat. But we have to feel the joy that comes from exercising the heart in a spiritual way.

I am learning to feel more, is what I'm saying. I am using my empathy skills more, I am cultivating my spirit and it is having a direct affect on how I treat my body. I am respecting it by giving it what it needs instead of stuffing feelings down and stuffing my face up. I used to live well and do the right thing, tried my best to be a good person and exercised my heart, without even thinking of how good it could actually make me feel, if I let it!

Fat and jolly is for Santa, folks! Have you ever really met a person who's lost a lot of weight and they say they were happier as a fat person? I haven't! I am learning that being a kind, caring, giving person and paying attention to how it makes me helping me to stay the course!

I truly hope this makes some sense to someone other than myself :)


Cool Day.. Sunny thoughts.

I've had a great day, stayed on plan all day and have been feeling much more energetic and mobile. I had several people at work today comment on how much weight I have lost and how happy they are for me. It felt wonderful to get some validation in that way.

My thoughts, however, have been on Sunny Girl and what she is enduring right now. She is being brave, focused, and just downright unbelievably dedicated and on track, even with all the pressure and break from her normal routine. I have to giver her so much credit. Everyone send her much love and energy as she perceivers her ordeal. Sunny, you Inspire ME!

Sunny, we all are proud of you, love and support you.


Tuesday's Blog

I am so happy to know that you are at peace, Don. I wish I could blog, I just can't think of much to say right now, maybe tomorrow. I am on track and I can't wait to weigh again.

My dad is worse every day though and I am depressed beyond anything I've felt in a long time. I like your lists and I'm thinking of you.

Peaceful... easy feeling

Today I feel at peace with myself and my new way of life. I had a very busy day at work, in meetings the entire day. I went to the gym directly from work and worked out for an hour and a half. It was a very good day. I feel great.

Things I am looking forward to:
Tying my shoes
Buying cloths at a normal store
Walking with ease
Bending over with out worrying about falling down

Things I am grateful for:
Every breath I take
Every step I take
Every day I live
All the love I give


Fat men DO BOUNCE...

I forgot to talk about this in my last blog...

When I was at the gym today I took quite a tumble in the locker room. I was changing into my bathing suit and had my 'crocks' on my feet. I stepped over the bench next to the locker (which was way to close to the lockers) and my crock got snagged on the bench. Of course, Newton's first law of motion being what it is, once I was in motion.. there was no stopping me.

To my left at another locker was a very old man, facing me. He saw me going down and screamed. I think that scared me more than the fall itself. Having the military training I do, I learned how to drop and roll (in this case drop, bounce and roll), and what could have been a pretty bad fall, ended up only straining the thumb on my left hand.

The old man, on the other hand, was quite shaken, and told me 'Don't you ever do that again'! I didn't even know how to reply to that, so I said, 'it's ok, I'm not hurt'!~ Anyhow, I discovered that at my age, I can still bounce!

No Boundaries ...

... those of you who watch American Idol know that this is the finale song which Kris Allen sang when he won the show. It's a great song, Google the lyrics if you want, they're fantastic and inspirational. Today, this is how I feel... no Boundaries.

I was listening to the song (and others) while I worked out today and thought, that's what I should blog about today. I really feel that I have removed all the obstacles which have kept me from successfully loosing weight in the past. I am moving forward and heading in the right direction. There is nothing blocking my way and nothing I can not do.

I'm glad I decided to start including exercise in my plan, it really makes me feel wonderful. Today I went to the gym for 2 hours and worked in the yard for an hour... what a workout! I'm sad that the long weekend is coming to an end, but .. hey... reality has to rush back in at some point.

I am going to prepare tonight so I can go from work to the gym tomorrow night. I'll see how it works out, so I can figure out what to expect when I want to workout during the week.

Remember... NO BOUNDARIES... the best way to live!


An Update

On my way to the hospital to check on my dad. He was doing much better yesterday and even Friday...the rehydration has done wonders for his mind. He seemed more aware and was eating and drinking. His kidneys are still not working properly and the doctors doubt that will again so, the situation is still's just good to be able to talk with him.

It's not the memorial weekend we all had in mind, but as long as we're together, it's all good. So my day will be spent with my family and my mom and dad. I'll probably bring my mom back here for a little bar-b-que, I don't want her to spend it alone. I'm so glad I can be there for her at a time like this. I will remain on plan and true to myself and our journey, as I have in the past. The stress of it all will not beat me. I won't be brought down and I WILL be successful in the end!
Happy Holiday weekend to all!!!

Sore.. but GREAT

Good Morning all.

I thought I'd post early as we are going to drive to Cape May today to spend Memorial Day with our family.

I feel really great today, sore (shoulders and hip sockets), but GREAT. I am so glad I finally took down the last hurtle to my success, and committed to exercise.

I love spending time with family. Usually, the time is 'pig-out' time, there always being lots of great food and deserts. Today for me it will be a 'non-pig-out-zone' affair. I will resist all temptations, and stay focused. I know there will be good proteins available, salad and strawberries, so, that's all I need! I brought my drinking container and lots of single crystal light packets so I can drink and pee like crazy (I hope my skin is benefiting from all the water!!).

The lesson for today is, family get togethers are for eating and drinking in the atmosphere, the relationships and the bonds.. not every thing eatable in sight!

Everyone have a great Memorial Day weekend!


Slow, but steady... wins the race..

I think the cartoon pretty much sums it up...

Hi all. I love long weekends!~

Today is THE DAY.. a MOMENTOUS DAY... It's the day that I publicly commit, finally, to now include exercise in this new path that I am on. I hesitated at the beginning because I have problems with my hips, knees and ankles. BUT... I am just going to start slow, and increase increments and time as my body will allow.

SO... I feel great.. it's like how I felt when I decided to start this, and how I felt when I saw I was succeeding. This, for me, is really the last hurdle. I have 'been released' from the recliner weeks ago and have been more active, but committing to exercising is THE step, THE FINAL STEP, that is going to bring all of this together. The weight will 'melt like butta'. Exercise is essential!

So here is my commitment. I will accomplish some sort of exercise, at the beginning of this, at least 4 days a week. I am starting with walking around the track and swimming / stretching in the pool at my gym. Then a good steam in the steam room to reward and sooth my body!

This morning I went out with Ed and got all the stuff I needed, a gym bag, a couple of swim suites, a lock, some 'BIG BOY' towels, and other essentials. Then I came home, packed my bag and headed for 'Balleys Total Fitness' at the Oxford Valley Mall. I've had a membership there for almost 20 years now (since 1990). I put on my iPod shuffle, put on my DISCO MIX and was able to walk around the track at a good pace for 15 minutes before I had to stop. Then I changed, got in the pool and exercised in there for 30 minutes, doing laps , running in place and stretching. After all that I went into the steam room. I was at the gym a total of 2 hours, and I FEEL GREAT.. TIRED, yes, but GREAT!

I will go again on Monday. I will gradually increase the time around the track and in the pool.
As soon as I can do continuous laps in the pool, I'll start logging them. I plan to log my exercise with my meals on the 'Meals Page'.

So, all in all.. Great Day! Great choices, and another LIFE CHANGE!


I Have Arrived...

Yesterday, Don mentioned that I have a very stressful time ahead, and while this is true...I am not having trouble coping or feeling depressed to the point of turning to food for comfort.

My father was recently sent to a hospice from the emergency room where my brother and mom had to send him when he was found to be having a serious health issue. His health took a turn for the worse due to dehydration problems which effected his kidney function. And due to his age (90) and the fact that my mom can no longer care for him, it was suggested that he be put there by his doctor. Of course this caused much stress and confusion as to when and how my mom can get to see him, (she can't drive just yet, because she's had surgery on her foot) will he be alone too much of the time...etc. All legitimate concerns, but none too much to handle.

My brother and I simply put our heads together and decided just to be there whenever we can...and sometimes when we can't. It is just easier for me to deal with all of this stress now as opposed to before this journey, and I believe that is due to this new confidence level I've developed. I'm sure it comes with age, but I am also sure that I am thinking clearer, feeling as light as a butterfly most of the time, energetic beyond anything I've ever felt and more in control of my actions and decisions than I have ever been as well.

I haven't turned to foods that will not help me on this journey to make me feel less stressed, because I am finally helping myself instead of hindering myself. I am not about to undo all that I've done because something will taste good or feel good going down. Or overeating to fill a void or to feel some temporary comfort.

It's not what life is for me anymore. The solace I find now, comes from the fact that I am living a better life. I am not afraid to go out anymore, I am not lazy or procrastinating, I am a whole new me...these things are priceless to me. And that which has a price to pay, is not the way I choose to go. I paid long enough!!

Making good choices even in distress, tells me I am here. Not that I am going to be there someday, but that I've actually arrived!!

Thanks Don, for keeping it going and continuing to be an inspiration!

Paving the way...

... I've been thinking today a lot about paving the way.. For instance, last weekend I ordered these new 'Green' pans from HSN, to give me good tools to cook my meals (I had one pan that I love, so I ordered several more pieces).

Today I am really beginning to start to put together a plan for exercise (there, I said it.. I'm finally ready to start to commit to some consistent exercise.. Stay tuned for more details to come).. but anyhow, to pave the way for this, I downloaded 150 'disco' era tunes from iTunes to put on my Nano. I'll be inspired by the upbeat music as I walk around the track at the gym.

I think it's important to give good thought and preparation to the major steps along our path, not just follow some 'yellow brick road' blindly. I believe good planning has gotten Sunny and I this far, and now it's time to pick-up the pace a bit, and plan some more! I'm excited.

Also, today we had a great day, not only plan wise, but fun wise as well. Ed and I went out on our motorcycles and rode to Peddlers Village (in Lahaska PA), had a nice lunch out, walked around and just had a relaxing, rejuvenating day!

Things I'm grateful for today: (in no particular order)
Warm Days
Pants that fall down
Butts that fit more comfortably in chairs (normal chairs)
My loving, supportive husband


Strength for a friend

I had a good day today, on plan with no slip-ups. All day I've been feeling 'kind-a-fat', which I know is something I just have to 'get over'. I am still heavy, and will be for quite a while, but I'm progressing in the right direction. No matter how 'positive' I feel about my changes, occasionally those things that I miss, that I have loved for so long in my life, creep in and try to mess with my mind. I am dedicated to keeping focused, though, and not letting those things (foods) knock me off track, because I AM IN CONTROL!

Having said that, I want the rest of this blog to be dedicated to supporting Sunny Girl. She is going through a family emergency right now that, I am sure, is putting an enormous amount of stress on her. I think it's probably the first time she is really being 'tested' to handle stress without resorting to old eating habits. Sunny, we love you, are praying for you.. and know you can handle anything. Look what you have accomplished, how much your life has changed because of your decisions. Stay focused, through the stressful time. I know you can do it!~

Incredible Day....Incredible Future!

What an incredible day!!! I spent it being busy at home, but it was no less stupendous than it would have been, had I spent it outside. I feel so good, I feel alive and free of the restrictions that 30 plus pounds will put on you, I feel excited for every new day, I wake up knowing I don't have to be unhealthy anymore and that's such a wonderful thing. When I walk down the steps in the morning, my knees don't ache!!!! I was actually going down sideways a couple of months ago :( I'm making plans and living them, actually doing what's on my agenda, I was such a procrastinator before I got serious about changing my life, but that's all behind me.

I am on my way out tomorrow, and I love the fact that I am so much more confident now, I don't feel like I need to wear layers of clothing so no one will notice the extra 100 lbs. hahaha!! Ridiculous I know, but that's how it was! I move and breathe with ease and my ankle is even feeling a little better. When I look at my hands, they don't even look like mine :) !! Yes, changing our lives has been amazing, we're on our way to our goals!

Reading Don's blog was so good for me tonight, I am even more energized mentally! We always seem to pick up on what each other is feeling on a given day, it's quite amazing actually, and I couldn't agree more, I too chose to live (instead of existing until extinction) by putting the emphasis on the people around me instead of the food! I don't even think about it anymore, I cook for the family and nothing I used to love even phases me anymore. I go to dinner and make all the right choices. I'm truly free. WE'RE truly free!

And may I say, I am so happy to have these new followers reading along and sharing in our journey, it makes it all the more exciting to know that people are pulling for us, people who appreciate what we're doing and why. Thanks, folks...we both really appreciate you right back!!!


I think.. therefore I am....

I had another good (and busy day today). I was talking to another co-worker today, someone who just started. She saw some pictures of me in a calendar in my workspace which Ed made for me and gave to me for Christmas last year. She asked... Who's that with Ed? WOW... who is that indeed. It's sure not me.. ANYMORE!

Peggy mentioned in her blog comment to me that she was astounded at the 180 degree turn-around she has seen in my attitude about food. She's absolutely right.. you see, she and I have been on cruises together, where the food abounds (as do the appetites) and has seen me go through 3 plates of food in a seating. The transformation took place for me ON THIS BLOG.. as I slowly resolved that my past behaviors and attitudes got me to where I am, and I realized if I want to continue living, I have to make a change. Once that 'clicked' in my mind, I had no choice but to change my perspective. I tried to constantly think about why I am doing this, what the benefits will be, how much happier I will be and how much easier my life will be.

I am a firm believer in the power of positive thinking.. and along those lines, I have adopted the attitude, I THINK, THEREFORE I AM~


Another day in the life...

Today was just another ordinary, extraordinary day. Each day on this journey that I have success is a blessing. I worked hard at a job I love, I didn't think about what I was going to eat next, every minute, like I used to do. You see, I don't live to eat anymore... I know this sounds cliche, but I now eat to live. I really don't give a thought to a meal until it's time to eat, no longer slippin-n-sliding in the slobber trail to the table. I have really morphed into a healthier, happier human being.. and I'm so jazzed! I honestly never thought I could successfully make this change. Thank God I came to my senses and decided to makeover the place where food lived in my life. I still love good tasting, fulfilling things, but now, fulfilling doesn't mean stuffed to the gills. It means smart choices and moderation!


I am doing so well. I do have a bit of writer's block but that's because not much is happening, just basically trying to recover from my son's party and the helping out I did with mom today in Philly. If I don't take this ankle seriously (and those around me) I am going to be in big trouble. But my mother needs me since no one else is available to drive her places. Anyway, I have to go back Thursday and then I am going back to the doctor to find out what else I can do for it... *Sigh*

I wish you all a wonderful evening and a great day tomorrow, and thanks to the new followers here at the Journey....your input means so much to both Don and me.

Oh, I almost forgot, I got into those size 18's I was talking about, finally!!! Yeah, they're a bit tight, but they're on!!


Lighter in my loafers...

... those of you that know me.. don't smirk! Yes, I am a little lighter in my loafers these days, as a matter of fact, until recently, my feet were so swollen that I couldn't fit into my loafers!

I had a very good day today. Very focused, very busy... I was full of energy all day. I am so psyched about Sunny Girl and my progress. We are both strong, and just as committed as the first day we began. We are not in jeopardy of 'falling off the wagon' as we have both done SO MANY TIMES before.

I was sharing with a co-worker and good friend at work today about the success of my last weigh-in. I realized how much it means to me to be 'out' of the diet 'closet' and talking about my journey. This, more than anything else, I think, has helped to kept us both on track. As I told him, we are accountable to more than just ourselves. The 'publickness' (yeah, I know.. not really a word.. but you get my meaning), of what we are doing keeps us focused. We know we are reading each others blogs, and that our village mates are as well. We have 'pride' (deserved pride) in boasting of our successes, we feel free to speak of our fears without worry of judgement, we know that our friends will cheer us, suggest, and know we are all a 'team' with one goal.. our success!

Yes, I'm lighter in my loafers.. I'm proud of that fact.. and I thank you all!

Welcome to our new followers...

Thank you, MagicHands, Ginger Farnsworth and Fat(Free)Me, all for joining our village. We have been working very hard and kept 100 percent on plan for almost 3 months now and have had great success. We are headed in the right direction. We realize that it is the community of our followers who give us the added strength and determination to succeed. We appreciate you all!

Keep Your Cannoli!!

Yesterday was spent giving a party for my 16 yr. old son, it was a very hectic day. As the day progressed, preparation and planning gave way to fun and laughter. Through it all, I felt like I can do anything, in spite of my ankle, which hurts like hell, I had a great time.

There was pizza and hoagies and chicken wings and salad. Of course I had the chicken wings (parm and garlic... mmmm) and salad. Not one thing that is not on our plan went even close to my lips. The scale doesn't reflect it but, it shows in the way my clothes fit. Is my body changing?....Probably. It's the only thing I can think of. Don told me that someone (not sure whom) said we should measure ourselves as well as weigh, I think this is a great idea and plan to do it at the next weigh-in on the 1st of June. Maybe then I can see results in inches instead of pounds. I was wearing pants that were a size 26-28 when we began the journey! I am now going into a size 18-20, amazing!!

Yes, we are challenged every day, parties, meetings, dinners out on the town and it's not easy preparing for meals all the time, most of what we eat must be cooked and that's another challenge, especially for Don who doesn't always have the convenience of being close to his kitchen during the week. But we press on making the right choices, we're not deterred by an uncooperative scale or people who think that sabotage is funny....(I had someone pass a cannoli under my nose the other night)'s all good though because our resolve is getting us through.
We are strong...steadfast and loyal to ourselves to the very end.

We are more determined than ever!!!

p.s. I don't even like cannoli's ;)


Getting up and getting out...

I feel really great today. I was up at 5:00 a.m. and by 7:00 a.m. I had a oven roaster chicken on the Ron Popiel 'Set-it and forget-it' rotisserie grill. It was a biggie and cooked until 9:00 a.m. We had half of it for dinner and the other half will be a meal this week. I did some busy work and made chicken salad (from canned chicken breast) and served it over salad greens for lunch.

After lunch I got out and did several things around town that 'needed-doin..'. I was home by 4:00 p.m. I had time in the afternoon to relax and have a great dinner. Now... the thing is.. in the past, my weekends would be mostly spent 'in the recliner'. I was so exhausted just from moving around I had no energy to do anything. Today, as I was walking out of 'Sam's Club' I thought to myself.. OMG.. I'm out and about.. and moving around.. and NOT SUFFERING... ;)

A definite sign of progress! I'm thrilled!

Constant readers, thank you for hanging in there with Sunny Girl and I. I'm so glad that you have chosen to share in our journey. It means the world to us!


Can't you feel ... a Brand New Day?

This is a song that has been running through my head ever since I sat on the back porch and BBQ'd our hamburgers for dinner. It's from the musical 'The Wiz' and was produced by Quincy Jones. Keeping in mind what Sunny and I are achieving, the lyrics are quite apropos and really express the joy I feel.

Everybody look around
'Cause there's a reason to rejoice you see
Everybody come out
And let's commence to singing joyfully
Everybody look up
And feel the
hope that we've been waiting for

Everybody's glad
Because our silent fear and dread is gone
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about
You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?

Everybody be glad
Because the sun is shining just for us
Everybody wake up
Into the morning into happiness

Hello world!
It's like a different way of living now
And thank you world
We always knew that we'd be free somehow
And show the world that we've got liberty

It's such a change
For us to live so independently
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about
You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?

Jumpin' For Joy!!

I honestly don't know what to blog about today, Don pretty much said it all. It's all about staying in the groove and letting go of past issues with food and what caused them. It's not hard at this point...we're so dedicated to ourselves (finally) that there is no stopping us....we're skipping through the journey, we're leaping for joy and loving every minute of it.

Effortless CONTROL... and just LETTING GO...

Just Imagine this is me (try hard!)

So... today I've been thinking about how effortlessly I seem to be walking down this road we are on. I don't really think about all the things I can not have, probably because they ARE NOT things that I can not have, but things that I choose not to have. I don't really feel like I'm depriving myself.

Honestly, I miss some things, especially bread and butter, and chocolate, but, someday, I'll be able to have these things again. When I do have them again, it will be in sensible amount and with my 'urges' under control. I have proven to myself that I do have control. I HAVE NOT strayed from my course, not even once, since we started this together on the 10th of March.

For a long time I chose not to exercise self control. I had plenty of excuses... a crappy childhood, a crappy family relationship dynamic (with my family, not with my partners), low self esteem, and a love for food which was almost an addiction. When you look at these 'excuses' alone, they are all 'valid' problems, which deserve resolution, or at least conclusion.

The bottom line was, even though I had plenty of 'problems', I chose to use food as an escape. Now I choose a different solution. I choose to control myself, to get better emotionally, mentally, physically. Not having 'food' as an escape, has actually made me focus on the other 'problems'. Now that I have 'control' I can look at those issues without the destructive behavior. I can resolve / conclude them and let them go.


To Don...

8 Pounds!! What an accomplishment. You always say I am your inspiration and I am so glad I can be that for you.... well, you, beloved cousin, are mine!!
You're working so hard to stay on track and it shows!! 8 pounds is incredible...shout it, I wanna hear you from Jersey!!


Continued Inspiration...

First.. sorry for not blogging yesterday. I honestly just didn't get to it. I was so tired when I got home I just collapsed in my recliner and zoned out for the rest of the evening. I had a good day yesterday and stayed 100 percent on plan.

Now, to the inspiration. I am inspired by Sunny Girl. Her blog today about her successful loss is so RIGHT ON, both in attitude and wisdom. She will not let anything undermine her success, and, A LOSS is A LOSS.

We are both going to have good weeks and some so-so weeks, but... in the end, we will both get there!

Keep inspiring me, Sunny Girl! You're the greatest.


Yes, today is weigh-in day!! I weighed in and lost 2 lbs. You might think that got me down, NO WAY!!! In the past, this would have been a sure way of making me dive down into the "let's binge" mode, ohh heck no, not this time! This time I am dedicated to myself. This time I am empowered to work harder, exercise more and MAKE THE CHANGE HAPPEN!! I will NOT sabotage myself. I am no longer a prisoner of the plastic box with the numbers. In fact, I adore that box, it moves in the direction I want it to. I am in control.

I feel good knowing that it's still coming off...2 lbs. is 2 lbs, as one of our "followers" said, "Pick up a lb. of butter and feel the weight of it." I've done that, it works. In fact, when I think about it, when evenly distributed, that's ounces of fat off of every inch of my body, better than gaining or loss of control, aye?

My clothes don't lie. I'm wearing pants with a button and zipper now :-D that's a HUGE improvement over the old lady, elastic-waist-band pants which slide down my ever slimming hips and I couldn't be happier! I've gone down 2 sizes in my tops and pants and I can see a shopping day (if i squint) on the horizon.

Let's hear it for 2 lbs, not losing control, never losing faith in myself and pushing forward, flying, soaring!!


New Day..New Body!!

Well, I was out all day today and tonight and when I got back, I had no internet. Who knows why, but here I am finally. I had a great day today, spent it with Gina and had a blast! The whether has been beautiful and it feels so good to shed the sweater and scarves. Just a week ago I was saying i missed them, and I did, I missed the comfort of hiding behind, not so much.

I'm actually beginning to enjoy my new's very user friendly, it allows me to bend more and walk without needing an oxygen tank!! I like that I can see my feet without feeling like I will fall on my face too! ;) And to think it will only GET BETTER!!

2 more days to weigh in and you know what?....I really don't care what that scale will say, I feel mahvelous!!! xo


Sharing our journey...

Today I had a great discussion with the director of the department that I am consulting for. Someone told me he was on a diet, so I went in his office and discussed it with him. He's doing a version of Weight Watchers and having success. I told him about my plan and my loss. It was nice to have something in common with him, it opened up new avenues of communication and was pretty damn cool.

I enjoy sharing what and how I'm doing. It's great to have the people around me interested.

Today I had a good day. I woke a little earlier than normal (up at 4:00 a.m.) so I had the time to make myself breakfast. We had a 'welcome lunch' for a new employee today and I had a salad, so I had a light dinner (just a protein shake).

I'm looking forward to another great day tomorrow. Night all!


Vision... keeping focused on the end result

This blog is in support of a conversation I had with Sunny Girl today. We both have a tendency to want immediate results, hey, after all.. who doesn't like instant gratification. Part of the reason we had to begin this journey was because we gave in to instant gratification way too often. Neither of us do that anymore! But... we have to realize that that 'expectation of immediacy' can undermine our spirits, IF WE LET IT!

I am so proud of where we are, and what we have accomplished since the beginning of March. We have not only lost a significant amount of weight, but we have also changed our behavior, our attitude and our lives in the process. We have gotten this far because we have stayed focused on the end objective, living a happy, healthy life.

So... although in the short term we may feel down, may wonder when that next pound will decide to shed itself (sometimes I think the fat cells depart, kicking and screaming!!), we can feel excited in the knowledge that we CAN DO IT and are doing it! For the first time in my life I can say (when I think about it), I really don't care how long it takes, because I know, we know, we will make it to the end of this!

Yin and Yang

Well, I've thought long and hard about this journey for the past few days and realize that I have to get back to basics. I threw the rock in the pond and the water it's time to calm the water and start from the beginning.

I don't feel a change in my body as I did last month so I am going to go back to eggs, meat, fish, 4 oz. daily of cheese and the oldies but goodies; salads, broccoli and cauliflower.

I know I'm doing well, I know I've stayed the course and not once fallen off, but I do want to keep losing and that seems to be the only way to do it without having exercise.

Yin and Yang...opposites coming together, melding into one. My fat self and my thin state of mind, need to be harmonious while at the same time transforming one another...the only way I can be fat and still keep a "thin thinking" mind, is to keep moving, keep losing and hopefully this is the way to do it.

I'm looking at it as a sort of self-experiment. I have to see if immediate results are imminent if I stick to the Atkins plan with no variating factors.
Wish me luck!


Milestone Day

I had SUCH a day today (at work). I know lately I've been harping on work, but really... during the week I spend more time awake there than home. It's such a big part of my week. I love my job, and I love feeling 'needed', but, hey.. give a guy a break and let me come up for AIR...

What is good about this though, is I am not reverting to old, bad eating habits when under stress. I don't even think about food.. I just dig in and 'get it done'. It's grueling, it's demanding, but... it proves that I have made it past the 'dependance on food' part.

I thought about this on the way home from work. Tonight, my partner had to work late, probably not even home before I get into bed for the night. Before I made up my mind to change my life, I would have probably stopped at someplace like 'Taco Bell' and got WAY TO MUCH to eat, then probably stopped by Dunkin-donuts to get something sweet to boot. (YES.. Sometimes I was a closet over-eater). The old behavior flew through my mind, while I was driving home, but instead of giving in to it, I gave in to the realization that I don't need to do that anymore. I'm stressed, but I'm ok.... WHAT A HUGE REVELATION! What a Milestone Day!

That's My Girl!!

Yes!! Congratulations to my baby girl........Four years of hard work and diligence pays off!! The ceremony was beautiful.

It was a very long day, up early and off to the Kimmel Center in Philly for commencement day and Gina announced on the way there, that she isn't finished.....she plans on going back next year to further her studies so that she can receive her master's degree and I couldn't be happier.

I shouldn't have left the house with nothing in my stomach, but I did it. There was just no time and I came home starving!! We all were, but hubman had to work tonight and we couldn't celebrate with a dinner out...thank goodness there was food left over from the restaurant last night, as I did NOT feel like cooking. Pizza for the kids ;)



Mother's Day

Mother's Day used to be spent with my mom, taking her to lunch, dinner...whatever. It's now become a tradition with my own kids and in the past, it would be all about my favorite meals. Breakfast that consisted of waffles, bacon and pancakes....etc. Then a lunch consisting of hoagies or cheese steaks with cheese fries and a Dinner of pasta and breaded chicken...etc. That day alone would put 5 lbs on me and stretch my stomach to the point of no return, no lie.

Today, I had a shake for breakfast and lunch will be something light, most likely a salad since we're having dinner out tonight. Gone are the days of celebratory, carbohydrate laden meals!!

What was I thinking??? Well, I know the answer to that, I wasn't thinking about my health. These days, it's at the forefront of my mind. Being healthy and living to see my kids enjoy their lives, thrive and become happy, well adjusted individuals, is what it's all about for me now. All the cheese steaks in the world can't give you that!!

I think I can speak for Don here too.......Happy Mother's Day to all our reader mom's and their mom's. We hope you enjoy a healthy, happy day!! xox

Every day....

... is a brand new day.

Sometimes as we journey down this road, it can seem to get redundant, even boring. I realize this trip is going to take a long time. I need to keep thinking of new things and new ways to keep it interesting, engaging, inviting.

It can be done through food choices, cooking the proteins in new and interesting ways. Last night, for instance, I cooked pork chops in a grill pan, but after they were done, put a dollop of pesto on each one. Boy, what a change, what a difference from 'just another piece of meat'.

What I learned was, it doesn't take much to spice something up, ... to 'change it up a bit', and the result is new interest, new satisfaction and renewed engagement in the process. Sunny and I both need to keep this in mind the entire journey.

As we get ready to begin week 10 (WOW.. week ten?? already??.. and we're 30ish pounds lighter... YEAH US!), we need to keep in mind to 'keep it interesting', 'keep it new'!


Behind every good Man...

Simulated Husband
... stands another good man :) (or a good woman, what ever the case may be). Today I have thought a lot about how much I appreciate my significant other. He has loved me through everything. He is a ROCK of support as my moods go up and down, and in and out.. and sideways... oh... hell... you get my meaning. This journey has played havoc on my emotions, and through it all, I can always count him.

Today I'm thankful for:
... of course, my partner (my hero)
Air conditioning
My children (all 7 furry faces)
Having a job in this economy
The drive to go on.

Life is Good!

Gina and I are headed to her Baccalaureate Mass and honors celebration today. I just hope my ankle can sustain me. Say a prayer.

Thankful for:
My eyes
The spring
Wrinkles (the map of life)
Good friends who stick with you, no matter what!


I love my Mother-in-Law !

I know you don't hear that a lot, there are so many cliches about mother-in-laws and their relationship with their child's spouse.

Those who know me well, know that I don't have any type of a relationship with my genetic family. I was fortunate to be accepted into my loving partner's family, however. Each and every one of them make me feel wanted, valued and loved... and I love them all for their unconditional acceptance. Only since I have been a part of this family have I felt such a sense of belonging.

(Simulated Mother-in-Law)

I dedicate this blog to my 'mother-in-law'. I've know her almost 18 years now; she has ALWAYS been nothing but loving and supporting. She is the consummate mother, and would do anything for someone who she loves.

I am blessed for having her in my life.

Also, I had a great day on plan. I got to have breakfast out with my hubby and dinner with my mom-in-law and my hubby.

A Boring Day

Well, I woke up this morning and I'm still fat

Feeling good though, better every day. Some days it seems like it's taking forever to get to the 15th and other days, it feels like I just weighed in. I am dying to weigh because, to be honest..I know I'm losing, but I don't feel like it's a drastic loss, as it has been in the past...10 lb. increments are nice, and I know that won't happen everytime, oh but I want it to!!
I don't like being bored either and this ankle thing is making me very very bored.
I must say, if this were 3 months ago, I'd be eating my way through my boredom and now, it isn't even a thought!

Off to make some delicious talapia for dinner, let's hear it for fish!!!

Back at ya... Sunny

I too had a good day! It's is always great to talk to Sunny Girl! You're like a touchstone for me in this journey. Every time we speak, or I read your blogs, I'm revitalized.

This has been an exceptionally 'LONG" week for me. Work has been so, so, crazy-busy. In reality, I like 'CraZy-BuSY'... but not so many days in a row! Anyhow, I'm glad the weekend is here. My hubby has the day off today too, so we have an extra long weekend together! Now.. if it would only stop raining.

I realized today, I'm not on a diet.. I've changed an aspect of my life. On a diet, you are constantly aware of the depravation you are 'enduring', but I don't feel that way. I don't really even think about 'what I can't have' anymore. There was a time when almost the entire 'focus' of my existence was 'what am I going to eat... next', but now that is gone, and for good, I think!


Just Another Great Day...

I had a great day today, spent it being busy....went out in all the rain again and came back and made dinner. I spoke with my amazing cousin today (actually two of them). I talked to Karen or as she's known now -anonymous - lol.......Then Don called on his way home to share our day, which is always a cool thing. The man knows every single thing I think and feel....we talked about how we're losing our pants (literally) and just getting a kick out of how in sync we are with this plan of ours. It's turned into one of the most life changing, as well as body changing experiences and it's been great to share with someone who is so educated about it and appreciates the success right along with me. Just showin' some love, cuz!! xox


Free To Breathe from the asthma attacks that I had from having too much weight sitting on my diaphram. It's astonishing that I can now go up a flight of stairs without losing precious breath. I'm feeling good today, not much to say...'cept getting ready for the big Graduation celebration in June here at the house. A Yard dinner for about 85 guests....yep I said 85!

Hmmm...I've not much to write about either, since things are going faily well, I'm thinking maybe today, I should give 5 things to be grateful for...

My kids
Hubman for the roof
This compter I type on....I really enjoy having the world at my fingertips.
My continued success
The support I feel each day when I come here to my little blog haven.

Wishing you all a splendid evening!