Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Week 4 Begins...

And we are off... We are both doing so well. Lunch with Sunny Girl yesterday is going to be a regular thing (at least every 2 to 3 weeks) so we can touch base and talk face-to-face. It was great.

I feel good this morning. I should have prepared something for lunch today, but you know how Monday mornings (at 4:45 am) can be. I woke up with lots of energy this morning. I think I'm finally getting past the 'Induction Flu'..., the headaches are gone. I read on the web yesterday that LOTS OF WATER is important to wash those toxins out of the system. I think I have broken the adictive bonds with carbohydrates too. I had no inclination to even touch the bread or have a sweet desert, even though we ate out twice yesterday.

Inspirational thought for the day: I get stronger and stronger with each passing day. I am proud of myself.


  1. How PROUD you should be of yourselves!!
    I think you have passed the most difficult part and from your words I can hear the motivation to stay on the right path is getting stronger every day.BRAVO,Love Galpal

  2. Way to go to both of you! Adding a lot of water to your weight loss program is a great strategy, which I know from my own experience. Good for you to be maintaining such a positive spirit, as you focus on the good things that are happening right now. Your new sense of energy and power over the carb bonds are inspirational, and I applaud you! We're cheering you on! Love, Geri

  3. Just here to say congrats to the two of you on your venture of health together!!! Keep up the good work and I'll be stopping by to lend my words of support and encouragement, as well as get some weight-loss ideas and recipes from you ... love, Moe (Sunny's friend from Canada) xoxox

  4. I have no desire for carbs whatsoever and it feels great. Strength in numbers!!
    Thanks for all the support, Carol and Geri and Moe...Having your support means so much to both of us!!
