Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Thank You for Your...

How does anyone ever get along without the support of others? We can't. The expression, "No man is an island" has never rang so true. For years we've done without it simply because we never believed anyone really cared. The truth is, they do! Now we see why we've always had a hard time trudging through our trials and tribulations. We were always going it alone....or nearly alone. It takes a village? Yes, It does.

You always expect your family to get you through...but to see friends come forward and not only lending an ear, but giving their full support and standing close by our side to catch us when we're slipping, or even feel like slipping. Never again will we have to slip into the abyss, that dark, hollow place of loneliness and Fatdom! No More. Why?....because all we had to do was ask for the support we so desperately needed.

I sent out one little email last night to those I felt would want to help us and I wasn't wrong. Four of my most cherished friends have joined Geri and GalPal, Jeanne & Lara and Ed in our much needed support system. How great is telling of the kindness and caring of a true friend's heart.

*slaps self on forehead* All we had to do was ask!


  1. Great post.. every word so true!

  2. don't slap yourself on the forehead, unless of course its a new exercise!! lol ... i know its hard to ask for help sometimes but be aware that is a shortcoming of your's (as it is mine) and learn to ask ... we are all here for you guys and you are marvelous!!! love, moe xoxox

  3. =0) you do have some wonderful friends that seem to always stand behind you. You two have inspired me... and although I may not be following a low-carb diet, I am making better choices and I really want to start working out again- I miss it! Thank you to both of you. =) Gina
