Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Say Cheese...

Morning all.. I think I've been eating too much cheese and not enough fiber. This became very evident this morning... all I can say is 'SCREAMING MONGOOSE'.. nuf said!

When I get home from work I have been snacking on some cheese cubes before I eat dinner. I think I'll stop that, considering I typically have cheese on the 'romaine-wiches' during the day.

I've been taking fiber supplements every morning, but I will now take them twice a day.

I am ready for another day. I'm at work (fortunately I can blog through the firewall using a Google applet... at least for now!)... I am going to do a Shake-Shake.. morning and lunch, and maybe a protien bar mid-afternoon. Tonight I am going to have a shrimp salad for dinner..

Good thought for today.. I'm alive, I'm happy, I have people who love and care for me.... and I'm successful!!


  1. SCREAMING MONGOOSE....that visual was more than I needed this morning!! LOL
    Seriously...apples w/ the skin on are a good source of fiber and increasing your fiber supplement to 2x a day until your body gets "normalized" to your food changes is a good idea and taking a Multi Vit daily is a must do. My thought for the day: SO PROUD of your success! Love& HUGS,Galpal

  2. Don't you eat that apple!! ;) the sugar will undo all the good you did for the rest of the day!

  3. Normally that would be great advice, but low carb means no sugar (you know that though)... the fiber supplement is a must, also, rule of thumb, recommended cheese amount is 4 oz. per day.

    I have no idea what to do about vitamins since I cannot take in any calcium in pill form whatsoever (they produce kidney stones for me) sigh...I have to look into this further.

  4. Poor Mongoose! I agree, not a pleasant visual but I bet it wasn't any more pleasant for you! How about Fiber One bars - I haven't looked at their labeling, but maybe that as a snack might help supplement your dietary fiber needs?
    Love your thoughts for the day - very accurately describes Our Don. Remember, you ARE successful, and you certainly will be at anything you set your mind to, this included. Keep up the great work!
