Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Rainy out but Sunny in...

It may be raining outside this morning, but I'm all warm and sunny inside. All the great support from Sunny Girl and the rest of the village, it warms my soul to know that you are all there for both of us.

I was up early again this morning, as you can see from the time on my previous post! Seems that I'm requiring less sleep, another side effect of this plan and the new-found energy fountain. I had a shake for breakfast but was still craving more, so I sliced up a few pieces of portobello mushroom and made a quick omelet. It was delicious and I feel fully satisfied.

Today lunch will be steak burgers with cheese on Romaine with mustard. I got this new spicy mustard that is 1 carb per tbs, and I only use maybe 1/2 tsp at most. Because of the heavy lunch, dinner will be something light, maybe a shrimp salad. 

I'll write more later.. everyone enjoy the day, and what do you all think of the choices on the music player? I tried to pick ones that were inspirational. If anyone has favorites, put them in the blog or comments and I'll add them. The 'Covergirl' by RuPaul was specifically for my loving's his favorite tune of the moment.

Thought for the day: I will not let my body define who I am.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the music :)
    Here's a couple of treat ideas:
    Make up a fruit salad bowl of: strawberries,blueberries,pineapple,honey dew melon ...then serve yourself a portion w/ sm amt of your whipped topping( saves time when you are needing a quick fix..ha)
    If you like pepperoni..slices sold by the bag...pop a few in the microwave(on paper plate) until crisp....satisfies that need for a crunchy treat.
    Gotta go now...enjoy yourselves! Galpal

  2. Great ideas GalPal. We have to be a little cautions on the types of fruits for now because of the carb content of some of them, but pre-preparing a mix and then taking a portion is a great idea. I love, and will try the pepperoni idea later today! Pepperoni chips.. mmm I love it!

  3. pepperoni chips!!! what an it. Don, you are really usin' that noodle, Carb free noodle I mean ;)!

  4. LOL, Sunny Girl.. good one. Actually, GalPal suggested the chip idea, but I did try it, and they're great.

  5. I knew that, I meant your choices for the day, but I couldn't continue typing, my puter was acting up...Grrrr I couldn't even blog!
