Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Back off Emotion.. you don't RULE me!

Today I had a great day. I should have planned my meals better, but I am going to do better tomorrow. I already made my lunch for tomorrow (after I ate dinner tonight). I feel much more energy and ability to move around. I actually parked my car away from the office and away from the front door of a meeting I went to today, to force myself to walk a little farther than normal. It's a small step, but one in the right direction. Those that know me, know that I'm the guy who will drive around the parking lot for an hour to try to get the closest spot to the door... :)

So, today on the way home I called Sunny Girl. I was worried about her from the blog she left. She had a bad morning but I was able to cheer her up a bit. I'm proud of her for sticking to plan regardless of how she was feeling emotionally. That's difficult for both of us, because one of our triggers to eat is emotion. Way to SHINE Sunny Girl. Never stop feeling your feelings, good or bad... but don't let them rule your appetite. 


  1. First let me say that your parking away from the door was an incredible step, one I am so glad you took, you are becoming more active in what, to some, might seem like a small step, but that was a huge leap. You should be so proud of yourself!

    Secondly, I have to tell you, you really did brighten my day, you constantly inspire me and you are always there to light my way and let me know that I am not alone. I love you for that, cousin.

  2. You are both doing so well, I'm proud of you! We're cheering you on and you also inspire others as well as yourselves.

  3. walking is great, and every step counts!! and a big canadian hello to you Don, nice to meet you and keep up the great work!! hugs to you, moe

  4. Thanks Moe... Nice to meet you too. Your support and comments are very welcome and appreciated! DON
